Long D. Nguyen
Long D. Nguyen
Dong Nai University, Bien Hoa - Dong Nai, Vietnam
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Cited by
Energy efficiency in cell-free massive MIMO with zero-forcing precoding design
LD Nguyen, TQ Duong, HQ Ngo, K Tourki
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (8), 1871-1874, 2017
Joint optimisation of real-time deployment and resource allocation for UAV-aided disaster emergency communications
T Do-Duy, LD Nguyen, TQ Duong, SR Khosravirad, H Claussen
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 39 (11), 3411-3424, 2021
Real-time optimal resource allocation for embedded UAV communication systems
MN Nguyen, LD Nguyen, TQ Duong, HD Tuan
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 8 (1), 225-228, 2018
Role of UAVs in public safety communications: Energy efficiency perspective
S Shakoor, Z Kaleem, MI Baig, O Chughtai, TQ Duong, LD Nguyen
IEEE Access 7, 140665-140679, 2019
Risk-aware identification of highly suspected COVID-19 cases in social IoT: a joint graph theory and reinforcement learning approach
B Wang, Y Sun, TQ Duong, LD Nguyen, L Hanzo
Ieee Access 8, 115655-115661, 2020
Downlink beamforming for energy-efficient heterogeneous networks with massive MIMO and small cells
LD Nguyen, HD Tuan, TQ Duong, OA Dobre, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (5), 3386-3400, 2018
Reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted multi-UAV networks: Efficient resource allocation with deep reinforcement learning
KK Nguyen, SR Khosravirad, DB Da Costa, LD Nguyen, TQ Duong
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 16 (3), 358-368, 2021
Energy-efficient and throughput fair resource allocation for TS-NOMA UAV-assisted communications
A Masaracchia, LD Nguyen, TQ Duong, C Yin, OA Dobre, ...
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (11), 7156-7169, 2020
Multi-user regularized zero-forcing beamforming
LD Nguyen, HD Tuan, TQ Duong, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67 (11), 2839-2853, 2019
Distributed deep deterministic policy gradient for power allocation control in D2D-based V2V communications
KK Nguyen, TQ Duong, NA Vien, NA Le-Khac, LD Nguyen
IEEE Access 7, 164533-164543, 2019
Biomedical image classification based on a feature concatenation and ensemble of deep CNNs
LD Nguyen, R Gao, D Lin, Z Lin
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-13, 2023
Disclosure levels of environmental accounting information and financial performance: The case of Vietnam
L Nguyen, M Tran
Management Science Letters 9 (4), 557-570, 2019
An Introduction of Real-time Embedded Optimisation Programming for UAV Systems under Disaster Communication
LD Nguyen, A Kortun, TQ Duong
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 2018
UAV-assisted emergency communications in social IoT: A dynamic hypergraph coloring approach
B Wang, Y Sun, Z Sun, LD Nguyen, TQ Duong
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (8), 7663-7677, 2020
Real-time deployment and resource allocation for distributed UAV systems in disaster relief
LD Nguyen, KK Nguyen, A Kortun, TQ Duong
2019 IEEE 20th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in …, 2019
Real-time energy harvesting aided scheduling in UAV-assisted D2D networks relying on deep reinforcement learning
KK Nguyen, NA Vien, LD Nguyen, MT Le, L Hanzo, TQ Duong
IEEE Access 9, 3638-3648, 2020
Learning-aided realtime performance optimisation of cognitive UAV-assisted disaster communication
TQ Duong, LD Nguyen, HD Tuan, L Hanzo
2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
Real-time optimized path planning and energy consumption for data collection in unmanned ariel vehicles-aided intelligent wireless sensing
D Van Huynh, T Do-Duy, LD Nguyen, MT Le, NS Vo, TQ Duong
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (4), 2753-2761, 2021
Resource Allocation for Energy Efficiency in 5G Wireless Networks
LD Nguyen
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 2018
DIEER: Delay-intolerant energy-efficient routing with sink mobility in underwater wireless sensor networks
K Latif, N Javaid, I Ullah, Z Kaleem, Z Abbas Malik, LD Nguyen
Sensors 20 (12), 3467, 2020
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Articles 1–20