Eric Chamberland
Cited by
Cited by
Anisotropic mesh adaptation for the solution of the Stefan problem
Y Belhamadia, A Fortin, É Chamberland
Journal of Computational Physics 194 (1), 233-255, 2004
Three-dimensional anisotropic mesh adaptation for phase change problems
Y Belhamadia, A Fortin, É Chamberland
Journal of Computational Physics 201 (2), 753-770, 2004
Comparison of the performance of some finite element discretizations for large deformation elasticity problems
É Chamberland, A Fortin, M Fortin
Computers & Structures 88 (11-12), 664-673, 2010
Mechanistic movement models reveal ecological drivers of tick-borne pathogen spread
O Tardy, C Bouchard, E Chamberland, A Fortin, P Lamirande, NH Ogden, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18 (181), 20210134, 2021
Mechanistic movement models to predict geographic range expansions of ticks and tick-borne pathogens: Case studies with Ixodes scapularis and Amblyomma americanum in eastern …
O Tardy, ES Acheson, C Bouchard, É Chamberland, A Fortin, NH Ogden, ...
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 14 (4), 102161, 2023
Improved simulation of electrodiffusion in the node of ranvier by mesh adaptation
I Dione, J Deteix, T Briffard, E Chamberland, N Doyon
PloS one 11 (8), e0161318, 2016
An adaptive remeshing strategy for shear-thinning fluid flow simulations
A Fortin, F Bertrand, M Fortin, E Chamberland, PE Boulanger-Nadeau, ...
Computers & chemical engineering 28 (11), 2363-2375, 2004
On a new edge‐based gradient recovery technique
B Pouliot, M Fortin, A Fortin, É Chamberland
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 93 (1), 52-65, 2013
Un algorithme de Gradient Conjugué Projeté préconditionné pour la résolution de problèmes unilatéraux
N Tardieu, F Youbissi, E Chamberland
Comptes rendus Mécanique 336 (11-12), 840-845, 2008
Solutions analytiques de problèmes de contact en grandes déformations
É Chamberland, A Fortin, N Tardieu
Mechanics & Industry 11 (3-4), 271-276, 2010
Solutions manufacturées en grandes déformations hyper-élastiques
É Chamberland
Un algorithme de sous-gradient pour le traitement du contact frottant
M Fortin, N Tardieu, É Chamberland
7e colloque national en calcul des structures, 2005
Gradient damage models in large deformation
B Crabbé, JJ Marigo, E Chamberland, J Guilié
Constitutive models for rubber X, 335-340, 2017
Un algorithme de gradient conjugué projeté préconditionné pour le traitement du contact unilatéral
N Tardieu, F Youbissi, É Chamberland
Huitième colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens, France, 2007
Etudes des modèles d'endommagement à gradient en grandes déformations
B Crabbé, JJ Marigo, E Chamberland, J Guilié
13e colloque national en calcul des structures, 2017
Analytical solutions to large deformation contact problems
E Chamberland, A Fortin, N Tardieu
MECANIQUE & INDUSTRIES 11 (3-4), 271-276, 2010
A preconditioned Projected Conjugate Gradient for the solution of unilateral problems
N Tardieu, F Youbissi, E Chamberland
COMPTES RENDUS MECANIQUE 336 (11-12), 840-845, 2008
A dual preconditioned projected conjugate gradient algorith for solving contact problems.
E Chamberland, N Tardieu, F Youbissi
8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2008
Numerical investigation of finite element discretizations for hyperelastic materials in large deformations.
E Chamberland, A Fortin, A El Maliki, N Tardieu
8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics., 2008
Performance Measurements of a Contact Searching Algorithm for Solving Large Deformation Problems
É Chamberland, C Robitaille, A Fortin
2008 22nd International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and …, 2008
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Articles 1–20