Richard Wokutch
Richard Wokutch
Professor of Management, Virginia Tech
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Cited by
Corporate saints and sinners: The effects of philanthropic and illegal activity on organizational performance
RE Wokutch, BA Spencer
California Management Review 29 (2), 62-77, 1987
An examination of the influence of diversity and stakeholder role on corporate social orientation
WJ Smith, RE Wokutch, KV Harrington, BS Dennis
Business & Society 40 (3), 266-294, 2001
Corporate social responsibility Japanese style
RE Wokutch
Academy of Management Perspectives 4 (2), 56-74, 1990
Organizational attractiveness and corporate social orientation: do our values influence our preference for affirmative action and managing diversity?
WJ Smith, RE Wokutch, KV Harrington, BS Dennis
Business & Society 43 (1), 69-96, 2004
25 years and going strong: A content analysis of the first 25 years of the social issues in management division proceedings
VW Gerde, RE Wokutch
Business & Society 37 (4), 414-446, 1998
The maturing of the Japanese economy: Corporate social responsibility implications
RE Wokutch, JM Shepard
Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (3), 527-540, 1999
An ethical analysis of deception in advertising
TL Carson, RE Wokutch, JE Cox
Journal of Business Ethics 4, 93-104, 1985
The end of South African sanctions, institutional ownership, and the stock price performance of boycotted firms: Evidence on the impact of social/ethical investing
R Kumar, WB Lamb, RE Wokutch
Business & Society 41 (2), 133-165, 2002
Behavioral and perceptual measures of corporate social performance
RE Wokutch, EW McKinney
Research in corporate social performance and policy 12, 309-330, 1991
Whistle-blowing for profit: An ethical analysis of the Federal False Claims Act
TL Carson, ME Verdu, RE Wokutch
Journal of Business Ethics 77, 361-376, 2008
Rising above sweatshops: Innovative approaches to global labor challenges
LP Hartman, DG Arnold, RE Wokutch
Praeger, 2003
Worker protection, Japanese style
RE Wokutch
Occupational Safety and Health in the Auto Industry, 1992
Bluffing in labor negotiations: Legal and ethical issues
TL Carson, RE Wokutch, KF Murrmann
Journal of Business Ethics 1, 13-22, 1982
Strategic corporate social responsibility and orphan drug development: Insights from the US and the EU biopharmaceutical industry
O Bruyaka, HK Zeitzmann, I Chalamon, RE Wokutch, P Thakur
Journal of Business Ethics 117, 45-65, 2013
Child workers, globalization, and international business ethics: A case study in Brazil’s export-oriented shoe industry
JL French, RE Wokutch
Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (4), 615-640, 2005
Nike and its critics: Beginning a dialogue
RE Wokutch
Organization & Environment 14 (2), 207-237, 2001
C onfucian Stakeholder Theory: An Exploration
J Wu, RE Wokutch
Business and Society Review 120 (1), 1-21, 2015
Ethical investment policies and activities of Catholic religious orders
RE Wokutch
A value explicit approach for evaluating corporate social performance
RE Wokutch, L Fahey
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 5 (3), 191-214, 1986
Comparison of engagement with ethics between an engineering and a business program
SM Culver, IK Puri, RE Wokutch, V Lohani
Science and engineering ethics 19, 585-597, 2013
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Articles 1–20