Sumit Roy
Sumit Roy
Professor, Electrical & Comp. Engineering, U. Washington Seattle
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Cited by
Data mules: Modeling and analysis of a three-tier architecture for sparse sensor networks
RC Shah, S Roy, S Jain, W Brunette
Ad hoc networks 1 (2-3), 215-233, 2003
Exploiting mobility for energy efficient data collection in wireless sensor networks
S Jain, RC Shah, W Brunette, G Borriello, S Roy
Mobile networks and Applications 11, 327-339, 2006
Ultrawideband radio design: The promise of high-speed, short-range wireless connectivity
S Roy, JR Foerster, VS Somayazulu, DG Leeper
Proceedings of the IEEE 92 (2), 295-311, 2004
Decentralized structures for parallel Kalman filtering
HR Hashemipour, S Roy, AJ Laub
IEEE Transactions on automatic control 33 (1), 88-94, 1988
—invited paper—backscatter communication and RFID: Coding, energy, and MIMO analysis
C Boyer, S Roy
IEEE Transactions on communications 62 (3), 770-785, 2013
On joint transmitter and receiver optimization for multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) transmission systems
J Yang, S Roy
IEEE Transactions on Communications 42 (12), 3221-3231, 1994
ns-3 project goals
TR Henderson, S Roy, S Floyd, GF Riley
Proceedings of the 2006 Workshop on ns-3, 13-es, 2006
Battery-free wireless identification and sensing
M Philipose, JR Smith, B Jiang, A Mamishev, S Roy, K Sundara-Rajan
IEEE Pervasive computing 4 (1), 37-45, 2005
Analysis of the contention access period of IEEE 802.15. 4 MAC
I Ramachandran, AK Das, S Roy
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 3 (1), 4-es, 2007
MAC for dedicated short range communications in intelligent transport system
J Zhu, S Roy
IEEE Communications Magazine 41 (12), 60-67, 2003
RFID-based techniques for human-activity detection
JR Smith, KP Fishkin, B Jiang, A Mamishev, M Philipose, AD Rea, S Roy, ...
Communications of the ACM 48 (9), 39-44, 2005
Optimization models for fixed channel assignment in wireless mesh networks with multiple radios
AK Das, HMK Alazemi, R Vijayakumar, S Roy
2005 Second Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor and Ad …, 2005
A wirelessly-powered platform for sensing and computation
JR Smith, AP Sample, PS Powledge, S Roy, A Mamishev
International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 495-506, 2006
Subspace-based blind channel estimation for OFDM by exploiting virtual carriers
C Li, S Roy
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2 (1), 141-150, 2003
Capacity of MIMO systems with semicorrelated flat fading
PJ Smith, S Roy, M Shafi
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49 (10), 2781-2788, 2003
Joint transmitter-receiver optimization for multi-input multi-output systems with decision feedback
J Yang, S Roy
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40 (5), 1334-1347, 1994
An adaptive multiuser receiver for CDMA systems
DS Chen, S Roy
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 12 (5), 808-816, 1994
Energy scavenging for inductively coupled passive RFID systems
B Jiang, JR Smith, M Philipose, S Roy, K Sundara-Rajan, AV Mamishev
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and measurement 56 (1), 118-125, 2007
A differential detector for an ultra-wideband communications system
M Ho, VS Somayazulu, J Foerster, S Roy
Vehicular Technology Conference. IEEE 55th Vehicular Technology Conference …, 2002
Coexistence challenges for heterogeneous cognitive wireless networks in TV white spaces
C Ghosh, S Roy, D Cavalcanti
IEEE Wireless Communications 18 (4), 22-31, 2011
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Articles 1–20