Erlend Dancke Sandorf
Erlend Dancke Sandorf
Associate Professor, School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
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Cited by
Disentangling the influence of knowledge on attribute non-attendance
ED Sandorf, D Campbell, N Hanley
Journal of choice modelling 24, 36-50, 2017
Valuing unfamiliar and complex environmental goods: A comparison of valuation workshops and internet panel surveys with videos
ED Sandorf, M Aanesen, S Navrud
Ecological economics 129, 50-61, 2016
Diabolical dilemmas of COVID-19: An empirical study into Dutch society’s trade-offs between health impacts and other effects of the lockdown
C Chorus, ED Sandorf, N Mouter
PloS one 15 (9), e0238683, 2020
Stakeholder perceptions towards sustainable shrimp aquaculture in Vietnam
BB Xuan, ED Sandorf, QTK Ngoc
Journal of Environmental Management 290, 112585, 2021
Accounting for elimination-by-aspects strategies and demand management in electricity contract choice
AM Daniel, L Persson, ED Sandorf
Energy Economics 73, 80-90, 2018
Willingness to adopt improved shrimp aquaculture practices in Vietnam
QTK Ngoc, BB Xuan, ED Sandorf, TN Phong, LC Trung, TT Hien
Aquaculture Economics & Management 25 (4), 430-449, 2021
Did You Miss Something? Inattentive Respondents in Discrete Choice Experiments
ED Sandorf
Environmental and Resource Economics 73 (4), 1197-1235, 2019
The effect of attribute-alternative matrix displays on preferences and processing strategies
ED Sandorf, RC dit Sourd, PA Mahieu
Journal of choice modelling 29, 113-132, 2018
Informing management strategies for a reserve: Results from a discrete choice experiment survey
BB Xuan, ED Sandorf, M Aanesen
Ocean & coastal management 145, 35-43, 2017
Putting your best fish forward: Investigating distance decay and relative preferences for fish conservation
B Danley, ED Sandorf, D Campbell
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 108, 102475, 2021
Potential for Sustainable Aquaculture: Insights from Discrete Choice Experiments
BB Xuan, ED Sandorf
Environmental and Resource Economics 77 (2), 401-421, 2020
Using an integrated choice and latent variable model to understand the impact of “professional” respondents in a stated preference survey
ED Sandorf, L Persson, T Broberg
Resource and Energy Economics 61, 101178, 2020
Willingness to pay to protect cold water corals
CW Armstrong, M Aanesen, TM van Rensburg, ED Sandorf
Conservation Biology 33 (6), 1329-1337, 2019
Heterogeneity of values for coastal flood risk management with nature-based solutions
OR Rendon, ED Sandorf, NJ Beaumont
Journal of Environmental Management 304, 114212, 2022
What is a lion worth to local people–Quantifying of the costs of living alongside a top predator
KS Jacobsen, ED Sandorf, AJ Loveridge, AJ Dickman, PJ Johnson, ...
Ecological Economics 198, 107431, 2022
Accommodating satisficing behaviour in stated choice experiments
ED Sandorf, D Campbell
European Review of Agricultural Economics 46 (1), 133-162, 2019
The use of latent variable models in policy: A road fraught with peril?
D Campbell, ED Sandorf
Bio‑Based and Applied Economics 9, 305-324, 2020
Obfuscation maximization-based decision-making: Theory, methodology and first empirical evidence
C Chorus, S van Cranenburgh, AM Daniel, ED Sandorf, A Sobhani, ...
Mathematical Social Sciences 109, 28-44, 2021
Ponderous, Proficient or Professional? Survey Experience and Smartphone Effects in Stated Preference Research
ED Sandorf, K Grimsrud, H Lindhjem
Environmental and Resource Economics 81 (4), 807-832, 2022
Civil War Impacts on Youth Business Groups in Tigray: A Pre-Analysis Plan and Documentation for Ethical Approval by Institutional Review Board at NMBU
ST Holden, M Tilahun, DE Sommervoll, ED Sandorf
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, 2023
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Articles 1–20