Mirco Tonin
Mirco Tonin
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano; IZA; IRVAPP, Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public
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Expectations, reference points, and compliance with COVID-19 social distancing measures
G Briscese, N Lacetera, M Macis, M Tonin
Journal of behavioral and experimental economics 103, 101983, 2023
Corporate philanthropy and productivity: Evidence from an online real effort experiment
M Tonin, M Vlassopoulos
Management Science 61 (8), 1795-1811, 2015
“Now that you mention it”: A survey experiment on information, inattention and online privacy
H Marreiros, M Tonin, M Vlassopoulos, MC Schraefel
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 140, 1-17, 2017
Disentangling the sources of pro-socially motivated effort: A field experiment
M Tonin, M Vlassopoulos
Journal of Public Economics 94 (11-12), 1086-1092, 2010
Minimum wage and tax evasion: Theory and evidence
M Tonin
Journal of Public Economics 95 (11-12), 1635-1651, 2011
Racial discrimination in local public services: A field experiment in the United States
C Giulietti, M Tonin, M Vlassopoulos
Journal of the European Economic Association 17 (1), 165-204, 2019
Experimental evidence of self-image concerns as motivation for giving
M Tonin, M Vlassopoulos
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 90, 19-27, 2013
Employment protection legislation and job stability: A European cross‐country analysis
S Cazes, M Tonin
International Labour Review 149 (3), 261-285, 2010
Peer pressure and productivity: The role of observing and being observed
S Georganas, M Tonin, M Vlassopoulos
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 117, 223-232, 2015
An experimental investigation of intrinsic motivations for giving
M Tonin, M Vlassopoulos
Theory and decision 76, 47-67, 2014
Class size effects in higher education: Differences across STEM and non-STEM fields
E Kara, M Tonin, M Vlassopoulos
Economics of Education Review 82, 102104, 2021
Employment protection legislation in central and east European countries
M Tonin
South East Europe Review 2009 (4), 477-491, 2010
When the market drives you crazy: Stock market returns and fatal car accidents
C Giulietti, M Tonin, M Vlassopoulos
Journal of health economics 70, 102245, 2020
Updated employment protection legislation indicators for central and eastern European countries
M Tonin
Institute for International Economic Studies, 2005
Are public sector workers different? Cross-European evidence from elderly workers and retirees
M Tonin, M Vlassopoulos
IZA Journal of Labor Economics 4, 1-21, 2015
In-work benefits and unemployment
AS Kolm, M Tonin
International Tax and Public Finance, 1-19, 2011
Sharing one’s fortune? An experimental study on earned income and giving
M Tonin, M Vlassopoulos
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 66, 112-118, 2017
Referral incentives in crowdfunding
V Naroditskiy, S Stein, M Tonin, L Tran-Thanh, M Vlassopoulos, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing 2 …, 2014
The effects of the universal metering programme on water consumption, welfare and equity
C Ornaghi, M Tonin
Oxford Economic Papers 73 (1), 399-422, 2021
Do social incentives matter? Evidence from an online real effort experiment
M Tonin, M Vlassopoulos
Review of Environment, Energy and Economics (Re3), Forthcoming, 2013
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Articles 1–20