Davide La Rosa
Davide La Rosa
Information Science and Technologies Institute ISTI - CNR
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Cited by
A multisource and multivariate dataset for indoor localization methods based on WLAN and geo-magnetic field fingerprinting
P Barsocchi, A Crivello, D La Rosa, F Palumbo
2016 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2016
Evaluating the impact of smart technologies on harbor’s logistics via BPMN modeling and simulation
MGCA Cimino, F Palumbo, G Vaglini, E Ferro, N Celandroni, D La Rosa
Information Technology and Management 18, 223-239, 2017
Sleep behavior assessment via smartwatch and stigmergic receptive fields
AL Alfeo, P Barsocchi, MGCA Cimino, D La Rosa, F Palumbo, G Vaglini
Personal and ubiquitous computing 22, 227-243, 2018
An unobtrusive sleep monitoring system for the human sleep behaviour understanding
P Barsocchi, M Bianchini, A Crivello, D La Rosa, F Palumbo, F Scarselli
2016 7th IEEE international conference on cognitive infocommunications …, 2016
A learning system for automatic Berg Balance Scale score estimation
D Bacciu, S Chessa, C Gallicchio, A Micheli, L Pedrelli, E Ferro, ...
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 66, 60-74, 2017
Reliability and human factors in Ambient Assisted Living environments: The DOREMI case study
F Palumbo, D La Rosa, E Ferro, D Bacciu, C Gallicchio, A Micheli, ...
Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments 3, 139-157, 2017
Gp-m: Mobile middleware infrastructure for ambient assisted living
F Palumbo, D La Rosa, S Chessa
2014 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 1-6, 2014
Understanding human sleep behaviour by machine learning
A Crivello, F Palumbo, P Barsocchi, D La Rosa, F Scarselli, M Bianchini
Cognitive infocommunications, theory and applications, 227-252, 2019
Stigmergy-based Long-Term Monitoring of Indoor Users Mobility in Ambient Assisted Living Environments: the DOREMI Project Approach.
F Palumbo, D La Rosa, E Ferro
AI* AAL@ AI* IA, 18-32, 2016
Detecting proximity with bluetooth low energy beacons for cultural heritage
P Barsocchi, M Girolami, D La Rosa
Sensors 21 (21), 7089, 2021
Long-term care: how to improve the quality of life with mobile and e-health services
F Delmastro, C Dolciotti, F Palumbo, M Magrini, F Di Martino, D La Rosa, ...
2018 14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2018
Wireless communication, identification and sensing technologies enabling integrated logistics: a study in the harbor environment
MGCA Cimino, N Celandroni, E Ferro, D La Rosa, F Palumbo, G Vaglini
arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.06175, 2015
Experimenting mobile and e-health services with frail MCI older people
F Delmastro, C Dolciotti, D La Rosa, F Di Martino, M Magrini, S Coscetti, ...
Information 10 (8), 253, 2019
Sensing devices for detecting and processing acoustic signals in healthcare
N Mallegni, G Molinari, C Ricci, A Lazzeri, D La Rosa, A Crivello, ...
Biosensors 12 (10), 835, 2022
Detecting socialization events in ageing people: The experience of the doremi project
D Bacciu, S Chessa, E Ferro, L Fortunati, C Gallicchio, D La Rosa, ...
2016 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE), 132-135, 2016
E-Cabin: a software architecture for passenger comfort and cruise ship management
P Barsocchi, E Ferro, D La Rosa, A Mahroo, D Spoladore
Sensors 19 (22), 4978, 2019
Experimental assessment of cuff pressures on the walls of a trachea-like model using force sensing resistors: insights for patient management in intensive care unit settings
A Crivello, M Milazzo, D La Rosa, G Fiacchini, S Danti, F Guarracino, ...
Sensors 22 (2), 697, 2022
Detecting User's Behavior Shift with Sensorized Shoes and Stigmergic Perceptrons
P Barsocchi, N Carbonaro, MGCA Cimino, D La Rosa, F Palumbo, ...
2019 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Consumer Technologies (ISCT), 265-268, 2019
Evaluation of angle of arrival in indoor environments with bluetooth 5.1 direction finding
M Girolami, P Barsocchi, F Furfari, D La Rosa, F Mavilia
2022 18th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2022
INTESA: An Integrated ICT Solution for Promoting Wellbeing in Older People.
U Barcaro, P Barsocchi, A Crivello, F Delmastro, F Di Martino, E Distefano, ...
AI* AAL@ AI* IA, 102-117, 2017
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Articles 1–20