Mehmet Somel
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Cited by
Altitude adaptation in Tibetans caused by introgression of Denisovan-like DNA
E Huerta-Sánchez, X Jin, Asan, Z Bianba, BM Peter, N Vinckenbosch, ...
Nature 512 (7513), 194-197, 2014
A humanized version of Foxp2 affects cortico-basal ganglia circuits in mice
W Enard, S Gehre, K Hammerschmidt, SM Hölter, T Blass, M Somel, ...
Cell 137 (5), 961-971, 2009
Transcriptional neoteny in the human brain
M Somel, H Franz, Z Yan, A Lorenc, S Guo, T Giger, J Kelso, B Nickel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (14), 5743-5748, 2009
Population genomics reveal recent speciation and rapid evolutionary adaptation in polar bears
S Liu, ED Lorenzen, M Fumagalli, B Li, K Harris, Z Xiong, L Zhou, ...
Cell 157 (4), 785-794, 2014
MicroRNA, mRNA, and protein expression link development and aging in human and macaque brain
M Somel, S Guo, N Fu, Z Yan, HY Hu, Y Xu, Y Yuan, Z Ning, Y Hu, ...
Genome research 20 (9), 1207-1218, 2010
Million-year-old DNA sheds light on the genomic history of mammoths
T Van der Valk, P Pečnerová, D Díez-del-Molino, A Bergström, ...
Nature 591 (7849), 265-269, 2021
Extension of cortical synaptic development distinguishes humans from chimpanzees and macaques
X Liu, M Somel, L Tang, Z Yan, X Jiang, S Guo, Y Yuan, L He, A Oleksiak, ...
Genome research 22 (4), 611-622, 2012
MicroRNA-driven developmental remodeling in the brain distinguishes humans from other primates
M Somel, X Liu, L Tang, Z Yan, H Hu, S Guo, X Jiang, X Zhang, G Xu, ...
PLoS biology 9 (12), e1001214, 2011
Classic selective sweeps revealed by massive sequencing in cattle
S Qanbari, H Pausch, S Jansen, M Somel, TM Strom, R Fries, R Nielsen, ...
PLoS genetics 10 (2), e1004148, 2014
Human brain evolution: transcripts, metabolites and their regulators
M Somel, X Liu, P Khaitovich
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 14 (2), 112-127, 2013
Widespread splicing changes in human brain development and aging
P Mazin, J Xiong, X Liu, Z Yan, X Zhang, M Li, L He, M Somel, Y Yuan, ...
Molecular systems biology 9 (1), 633, 2013
The demographic development of the first farmers in Anatolia
GM Kılınç, A Omrak, F Özer, T Günther, AM Büyükkarakaya, E Bıçakçı, ...
Current Biology 26 (19), 2659-2666, 2016
A comparison of brain gene expression levels in domesticated and wild animals
FW Albert, M Somel, M Carneiro, A Aximu-Petri, M Halbwax, O Thalmann, ...
Public Library of Science 8 (9), e1002962, 2012
Identifying genes underlying skin pigmentation differences among human populations
S Myles, M Somel, K Tang, J Kelso, M Stoneking
Human genetics 120, 613-621, 2007
Metabolic changes in schizophrenia and human brain evolution
P Khaitovich, HE Lockstone, MT Wayland, TM Tsang, SD Jayatilaka, ...
Genome Biology 9, 1-11, 2008
Gene expression becomes heterogeneous with age
M Somel, P Khaitovich, S Bahn, S Pääbo, M Lachmann
Current Biology 16 (10), R359-R360, 2006
Rapid metabolic evolution in human prefrontal cortex
X Fu, P Giavalisco, X Liu, G Catchpole, N Fu, ZB Ning, S Guo, Z Yan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (15), 6181-6186, 2011
Disruption of an evolutionarily novel synaptic expression pattern in autism
X Liu, D Han, M Somel, X Jiang, H Hu, P Guijarro, N Zhang, A Mitchell, ...
PLoS biology 14 (9), e1002558, 2016
Variable kinship patterns in Neolithic Anatolia revealed by ancient genomes
R Yaka, I Mapelli, D Kaptan, A Doğu, M Chyleński, ÖD Erdal, D Koptekin, ...
Current Biology 31 (11), 2455-2468. e18, 2021
Identification and analysis of genomic regions with large between‐population differentiation in humans
S Myles, K Tang, M Somel, RE Green, J Kelso, M Stoneking
Annals of human genetics 72 (1), 99-110, 2008
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Articles 1–20