Recommender system for predicting student performance N Thai-Nghe, L Drumond, A Krohn-Grimberghe, L Schmidt-Thieme Procedia Computer Science 1 (2), 2811-2819, 2010 | 404 | 2010 |
Learning attribute-to-feature mappings for cold-start recommendations Z Gantner, L Drumond, C Freudenthaler, S Rendle, L Schmidt-Thieme 2010 IEEE international conference on data mining, 176-185, 2010 | 401 | 2010 |
Multi-relational matrix factorization using bayesian personalized ranking for social network data A Krohn-Grimberghe, L Drumond, C Freudenthaler, L Schmidt-Thieme Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Web search and data …, 2012 | 235 | 2012 |
Real-time top-n recommendation in social streams E Diaz-Aviles, L Drumond, L Schmidt-Thieme, W Nejdl Proceedings of the sixth ACM conference on Recommender systems, 59-66, 2012 | 211 | 2012 |
Factorization techniques for predicting student performance N Thai-Nghe, L Drumond, T Horváth, A Krohn-Grimberghe, A Nanopoulos, ... Educational recommender systems and technologies: Practices and challenges …, 2012 | 154 | 2012 |
A Survey of Ontology Learning Procedures. L Drumond, R Girardi WONTO 427, 1-13, 2008 | 124 | 2008 |
Personalized ranking for non-uniformly sampled items Z Gantner, L Drumond, C Freudenthaler, L Schmidt-Thieme Proceedings of KDD Cup 2011, 231-247, 2012 | 122 | 2012 |
Personalized deep learning for tag recommendation HTH Nguyen, M Wistuba, J Grabocka, LR Drumond, L Schmidt-Thieme Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 21st Pacific-Asia …, 2017 | 86 | 2017 |
Predicting RDF triples in incomplete knowledge bases with tensor factorization L Drumond, S Rendle, L Schmidt-Thieme Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 326-331, 2012 | 73 | 2012 |
Matrix and tensor factorization for predicting student performance N Thai-Nghe, L Drumond, T Horváth, A Nanopoulos, L Schmidt-Thieme International Conference on Computer Supported Education 2, 69-78, 2011 | 58 | 2011 |
Learning to forecast pedestrian intention from pose dynamics O Ghori, R Mackowiak, M Bautista, N Beuter, L Drumond, F Diego, ... 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1277-1284, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Multi-relational factorization models for predicting student performance N Thai-Nghe, L Drumond, T Horváth, L Schmidt-Thieme KDD Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Educational Data (KDDinED), 27-40, 2011 | 57 | 2011 |
Hyperparameter optimization with factorized multilayer perceptrons N Schilling, M Wistuba, L Drumond, L Schmidt-Thieme Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2015 | 50 | 2015 |
Scalable event-based clustering of social media via record linkage techniques T Reuter, P Cimiano, L Drumond, K Buza, L Schmidt-Thieme Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media 5 …, 2011 | 42 | 2011 |
Using factorization machines for student modeling. N Thai-Nghe, L Drumond, T Horváth, L Schmidt-Thieme UMAP workshops, 2012 | 41 | 2012 |
What is happening right now... that interests me? Online topic discovery and recommendation in twitter E Diaz-Aviles, L Drumond, Z Gantner, L Schmidt-Thieme, W Nejdl Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and …, 2012 | 37 | 2012 |
Extracting ontology concept hierarchies from text using markov logic L Drumond, R Girardi Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1354-1358, 2010 | 26 | 2010 |
Optimizing multi-relational factorization models for multiple target relations LR Drumond, E Diaz-Aviles, L Schmidt-Thieme, W Nejdl Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Conference on …, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
Schmidt N Thai-Nghe, L Drumond, T Horváth, A Krohn-Grimberghe, A Nanopoulos Thieme, L, 2010 | 20 | 2010 |
A multi-agent legal recommender system L Drumond, R Girardi Artificial intelligence and law 16, 175-207, 2008 | 19 | 2008 |