Michael Ware
Michael Ware
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University
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Physics of light and optics
J Peatross, M Ware
Brigham Young University, Department of Physics, 2011
Average energy flow of optical pulses in dispersive media
J Peatross, SA Glasgow, M Ware
Physical review letters 84 (11), 2370, 2000
Single-photon detector characterization using correlated photons: the march from feasibility to metrology
M Ware, A Migdall
Journal of Modern Optics 51 (9-10), 1549-1557, 2004
Calibrating photon-counting detectors to high accuracy: background and deadtime issues
M Ware, A Migdall, JC Bienfang, SV Polyakov
Journal of Modern Optics 54 (2-3), 361-372, 2007
On the measurement of two-photon single-mode coupling efficiency in parametric down-conversion photon sources
S Castelletto, IP Degiovanni, A Migdall, M Ware
New Journal of Physics 6 (1), 87, 2004
Direct observation of laser filamentation in high-order harmonic generation
JC Painter, M Adams, N Brimhall, E Christensen, G Giraud, N Powers, ...
Optics letters 31 (23), 3471-3473, 2006
5. Primary sources for use in radiometry
J Hollandt, J Seidel, R Klein, G Ulm, A Migdall, M Ware
Experimental methods in the physical sciences 41, 213-290, 2005
Role of group velocity in tracking field energy in linear dielectrics
M Ware, SA Glasgow, J Peatross
Optics express 9 (10), 506-518, 2001
Vector fields in a tight laser focus: comparison of models
J Peatross, M Berrondo, D Smith, M Ware
Optics express 25 (13), 13990-14007, 2017
Energy transport in linear dielectrics
M Ware, SA Glasgow, J Peatross
Optics express 9 (10), 519-532, 2001
Poynting’s theorem and luminal total energy transport in passive dielectric media
S Glasgow, M Ware, J Peatross
Physical Review E 64 (4), 046610, 2001
Role of the instantaneous spectrum on pulse propagation in causal linear dielectrics
J Peatross, M Ware, SA Glasgow
JOSA A 18 (7), 1719-1725, 2001
Measured optical constants of copper from 10 nm to 35 nm
N Brimhall, N Herrick, DD Allred, RS Turley, M Ware, J Peatross
Optics Express 17 (26), 23873-23879, 2009
Introduction to MATLAB
RL Spencer, M Ware
Brigham Young University, available online, accessed 7, 2008, 2008
Measured laser-beam evolution during high-order harmonic generation in a semi-infinite gas cell
N Brimhall, JC Painter, N Powers, G Giraud, M Turner, M Ware, J Peatross
Optics Express 15 (4), 1684-1689, 2007
High accuracy dual lens transmittance measurements
J Cheung, JL Gardner, A Migdall, S Polyakov, M Ware
Applied Optics 46 (22), 5396-5403, 2007
Real-time recoverable and irrecoverable energy in dispersive-dissipative dielectrics
S Glasgow, M Meilstrup, J Peatross, M Ware
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (1 …, 2007
Physics of Light and Optics (2015)
J Peatross, M Ware
URL: https://optics. byu. edu/home, 0
Measured photoemission from electron wave packets in a strong laser field
M Ware, E Cunningham, C Coburn, J Peatross
Optics letters 41 (4), 689-692, 2016
Two-photon mode preparation and matching efficiency: definition, measurement, and optimization
S Castelletto, IP Degiovanni, G Furno, V Schettini, A Migdall, M Ware
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 54 (2), 890-893, 2005
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