Christopher Shaddix
Christopher Shaddix
Distinguished Tech Staff, Sandia National Laboratories
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Cited by
Ignition and devolatilization of pulverized bituminous coal particles during oxygen/carbon dioxide coal combustion
A Molina, CR Shaddix
Proceedings of the combustion institute 31 (2), 1905-1912, 2007
Combustion kinetics of coal chars in oxygen-enriched environments
JJ Murphy, CR Shaddix
Combustion and flame 144 (4), 710-729, 2006
Laser-induced incandescence measurements of soot production in steady and flickering methane, propane, and ethylene diffusion flames
CR Shaddix, KC Smyth
Combustion and flame 107 (4), 418-452, 1996
Particle imaging of ignition and devolatilization of pulverized coal during oxy-fuel combustion
CR Shaddix, A Molina
Proceedings of the combustion institute 32 (2), 2091-2098, 2009
Correcting thermocouple measurements for radiation loss: a critical review
CR Shaddix
Sandia National Labs., Livermore, CA (US), 1999
The elusive history of m∼= 1.57–0.56 i for the refractive index of soot
KC Smyth, CR Shaddix
Combustion and flame 107 (3), 314-320, 1996
Effect of CO2 and steam gasification reactions on the oxy-combustion of pulverized coal char
ES Hecht, CR Shaddix, M Geier, A Molina, BS Haynes
Combustion and Flame 159 (11), 3437-3447, 2012
Quantitative measurements of enhanced soot production in a flickering methane/air diffusion flame
CR Shaddix, JE Harrington, KC Smyth
Combustion and flame 99 (3-4), 723-732, 1994
Measurement of the dimensionless extinction coefficient of soot within laminar diffusion flames
TC Williams, CR Shaddix, KA Jensen, JM Suo-Anttila
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 50 (7-8), 1616-1630, 2007
Effect of CO2 gasification reaction on oxy-combustion of pulverized coal char
ES Hecht, CR Shaddix, A Molina, BS Haynes
Proceedings of the combustion institute 33 (2), 1699-1706, 2011
Flame height measurement of laminar inverse diffusion flames
MA Mikofski, TC Williams, CR Shaddix, LG Blevins
Combustion and flame 146 (1-2), 63-72, 2006
Computations of enhanced soot production in time-varying CH4/air diffusion flames
CR Kaplan, CR Shaddix, KC Smyth
Combustion and Flame 106 (4), 392-405, 1996
Aspects of soot dynamics as revealed by measurements of broadband fluorescence and flame luminosity in flickering diffusion flames
KC Smyth, CR Shaddix, DA Everest
Combustion and Flame 111 (3), 185-207, 1997
Pulverized coal stream ignition delay under conventional and oxy-fuel combustion conditions
Y Liu, M Geier, A Molina, CR Shaddix
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 5, S36-S46, 2011
Fundamental investigation of NOx formation during oxy-fuel combustion of pulverized coal
CR Shaddix, A Molina
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (2), 1723-1730, 2011
Laser-induced incandescence
RJ Santoro, CR Shaddix
Applied combustion diagnostics, 252-286, 2002
Effect of syngas composition and CO2-diluted oxygen on performance of a premixed swirl-stabilized combustor
TC Williams, CR Shaddix*, RW Schefer
Combustion Science and Technology 180 (1), 64-88, 2007
Effect of CO2 gasification reaction on char particle combustion in oxy-fuel conditions
D Kim, S Choi, CR Shaddix, M Geier
Fuel 120, 130-140, 2014
Combustion properties of biomass flash pyrolysis oils: final project report
CR Shaddix, DR Hardesty
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Sandia …, 1999
Flame structure of steady and pulsed sooting inverse jet diffusion flames
CR Shaddix, TC Williams, LG Blevins, RW Schefer
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (1), 1501-1508, 2005
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Articles 1–20