Shital Desai
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Cited by
Experiential Value of Technologies: A Qualitative Study with Older Adults
S Desai, MG Colleen, MN Heather, S Heidi, MM Josephine, A Astell
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 19 (4), 2022
Children’s embodied intuitive interaction—Design aspects of embodiment
S Desai, A Blackler, V Popovic
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 21, 89-103, 2019
Intuitive interaction framework in user-product interaction for people living with dementia
A Blackler, LH Chen, S Desai, A Astell
HCI and Design in the Context of Dementia, 147-169, 2020
Intuitive interaction in a mixed reality system
S Desai, A Blackler, V Popovic
Using technology to enhance and encourage dance-based exercise
A Blackler, S Desai, L Swann, M Chamorro-Koc, G Moyle, M Stephens
Heliyon 5 (3), 2019
Intuitive use of tangible toys
S Desai, A Blackler, V Popovic
Proceedings of the 6th IASDR (The International Association of Societies of …, 2015
Perspectives on the nature of intuitive interaction
A Blackler, S Desai, M McEwan, V Popovic, S Diefenbach
Intuitive Interaction Research and Application, 19-39, 2019
Global design studio: Advancing cross-disciplinary experiential education during the COVID-19 pandemic
S Desai, I Stahl, M Chamorro-Koc
Design and Technology Education 26 (4), 165-181, 2021
Supporting people with dementia-Understanding their interactions with Mixed Reality Technologies
S Desai, A Blackler, D Fels, A Astell
Research methods for intuitive interaction
A Blackler, V Popovic, S Desai
Intuitive Interaction. Research and Application, 65-88, 2018
Designing for experiences in blended reality environments for people with dementia
S Desai, D Fels, A Astell
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 495-509, 2020
Sound mixed reality prompts for people with dementia: A familiar and meaningful experience
S Desai, J Ong, D Fels, A Astell
Designing Interactions for Music and Sound, 151-176, 2022
Fear of falling: scoping review and topic analysis protocol
K Kolpashnikova, S Desai
BMJ open 13 (2), e066652, 2023
Towards Accessibility Guidelines for the Metaverse: A Synthesis of Recommendations for People Living With Dementia
R Abendschein, S Desai, AJ Astell
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’23): Workshop" Towards …, 2023
Embodied intuitive interaction in children
SH Desai
Queensland University of Technology, 2017
Towards Accessibility Guidelines for the Metaverse
R Abendschein, S Desai, AJ Astell
Proceedings of the CHI 23, 2023
Accessibility of Mixed Reality Technologies for people living with dementia
S Desai, R Abendschein, AJ Astell
Alzheimer's & Dementia 18, e067574, 2022
Design for Behaviour Change: Taking the Long View Fast
K Niedderer, G Ludden, S Desai, S Hermsen
Exploring interactions of people with dementia through Mixed Reality technologies: an Observational Study
S Desai, A Astell
Feasibility of Mixed Reality Technologies for people with dementia, 2018
Fear of falling: Scoping review and topic analysis using natural language processing
K Kolpashnikova, LR Harris, S Desai
PLoS one 18 (10), e0293554, 2023
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Articles 1–20