Lars Stixrude
Lars Stixrude
Professor of Geophysics and Mineral Physics, UCLA
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Thermodynamics of mantle minerals-II. Phase equilibria
L Stixrude, C Lithgow-Bertelloni
Geophysical Journal International 184 (3), 1180-1213, 2011
Thermodynamics of mantle minerals—I. Physical properties
L Stixrude, C Lithgow-Bertelloni
Geophysical Journal International 162 (2), 610-632, 2005
Petrology, elasticity, and composition of the mantle transition zone
J Ita, L Stixrude
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 97 (B5), 6849-6866, 1992
Structure and elasticity of MgO at high pressure
BB Karki, L Stixrude, SJ Clark, MC Warren, GJ Ackland, J Crain
American Mineralogist 82 (1-2), 51-60, 1997
First-principles elastic constants for the hcp transition metals Fe, Co, and Re at high pressure
G Steinle-Neumann, L Stixrude, RE Cohen
Physical Review B 60 (2), 791, 1999
The effect of bulk composition and temperature on mantle seismic structure
W Xu, C Lithgow-Bertelloni, L Stixrude, J Ritsema
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 275 (1-2), 70-79, 2008
Structure and freezing of MgSiO3 liquid in Earth's lower mantle
L Stixrude, B Karki
Science 310 (5746), 297-299, 2005
Mineralogy and elasticity of the oceanic upper mantle: Origin of the low‐velocity zone
L Stixrude, C Lithgow‐Bertelloni
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B3), 2005
High‐pressure elastic properties of major materials of Earth's mantle from first principles
BB Karki, L Stixrude, RM Wentzcovitch
Reviews of Geophysics 39 (4), 507-534, 2001
Elasticity of iron at the temperature of the Earth's inner core
G Steinle-Neumann, L Stixrude, RE Cohen, O Gülseren
Nature 413 (6851), 57-60, 2001
High-pressure elasticity of iron and anisotropy of Earth's inner core
L Stixrude, RE Cohen
Science 267 (5206), 1972-1975, 1995
Iron at high pressure: Linearized-augmented-plane-wave computations in the generalized-gradient approximation
L Stixrude, RE Cohen, DJ Singh
Physical Review B 50 (9), 6442, 1994
Thermodynamics of silicate liquids in the deep Earth
L Stixrude, N de Koker, N Sun, M Mookherjee, BB Karki
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 278 (3-4), 226-232, 2009
Thermal properties of iron at high pressures and temperatures
E Wasserman, L Stixrude, RE Cohen
Physical Review B 53 (13), 8296, 1996
Composition and temperature of Earth's inner core
L Stixrude, E Wasserman, RE Cohen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B11), 24729-24739, 1997
Thermoelasticity of silicate perovskite and magnesiowüstite and stratification of the Earth's mantle
L Stixrude, RJ Hemley, Y Fei, HK Mao
Science 257 (5073), 1099-1101, 1992
Thermal conductivity of periclase (MgO) from first principles
S Stackhouse, L Stixrude, BB Karki
Physical review letters 104 (20), 208501, 2010
Ab initio studies of high-pressure structural transformations in silica
BB Karki, MC Warren, L Stixrude, GJ Ackland, J Crain
Physical Review B 55 (6), 3465, 1997
Elastic properties of orthorhombic MgSiO3 perovskite at lower mantle pressures
BB Karki, L Stixrude, SJ Clark, MC Warren, GJ Ackland, J Crain
American Mineralogist 82 (5-6), 635-638, 1997
Geophysics of chemical heterogeneity in the mantle
L Stixrude, C Lithgow-Bertelloni
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 40 (1), 569-595, 2012
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Articles 1–20