Manuel Prieto
Manuel Prieto
Professor / Profesor Titular, Universidad de Tarapacá
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Making environmental law for the market: the emergence, character, and implications of Chile's environmental regime
D Tecklin, C Bauer, M Prieto
Environmental Politics 20 (6), 879-898, 2011
Ecología política en Chile. Naturaleza, propiedad, conocimiento y poder
B Bustos, M Prieto, J Barton
Editorial Universitaria, 2015
Harvesting Lithium: water, brine and the industrial dynamics of production in the Salar de Atacama
B Bustos-Gallardo, G Bridge, M Prieto
Geoforum, 177–189, 2021
Privatizing Water in the Chilean Andes: The Case of Las Vegas de Chiu-Chiu
M Prieto
Mountain Research and Development 35 (3), 220-229, 2015
Hydroelectric power generation in Chile: an institutional critique of the neutrality of market mechanisms
M Prieto, C Bauer
The future of public water governance: Has water privatization peaked?, 47-61, 2014
Transando el agua, produciendo territorios e identidades indígenas: el modelo de aguas chileno y los atacameños de Calama
M Prieto
Revista de Estudios Sociales, 88-103, 2016
Practicing costumbres and the decommodification of nature: The Chilean water markets and the Atacameño people
M Prieto
Geoforum, 28–39, 2016
Nuevas aproximaciones teóricas a las regiones-commodity desde la ecología política
B Bustos-Gallardo, M Prieto
EURE 45 (135), 153-176, 2019
'That's the problem with that lake; it changes sides': mapping extraction and ecological exhaustion in the Atacama
S Babidge, F Kalazich, M Prieto, K Yager
Journal of Political Ecology 26 (1), 738-760, 2019
La Ecología (a)Política del Modelo de Aguas Chileno
M Prieto
Ecología política en Chile. Naturaleza, propiedad, conocimiento y poder, 143-164, 2015
Bringing water markets down to Chile’s Atacama Desert
M Prieto
Water International 41 (2), 191-212, 2016
El Riego que el Mercado no Quiere Ver: Historia del Despojo Hídrico en las Comunidades de Lasana y Chiu-Chiu (Desierto de Atacama, Chile)
M Prieto
Journal of Latin American Geography 16 (2), 69-91, 2017
The dispossession of the San Pedro de Inacaliri river: Political Ecology, extractivism and archaeology
M Prieto, D Salazar, MJ Valenzuela
The Extractive Industries and Society, 2019
The (not-so-free) Chilean water model. The case of the Antofagasta Region, Atacama Desert, Chile
M Prieto, M Calderón-Seguel, MC Fragkou, R Fuster
The Extractive Industries and Society, 2022
Indigenous Resurgence, Identity Politics, and the Anticommodification of Nature: The Chilean Water Market and the Atacameño People
M Prieto
Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 2021
Production of subterranean resources in the Atacama Desert: 19th and early 20th century mining/water extraction in The Taltal district, northern Chile
M Mendez, M Prieto, M Godoy
Political Geography 81, 2020
Water Policy and Management in Chile
M Prieto, M Calderón, MC Fragkou
The Wiley Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society, 2589-2600, 2020
Introduction: the politics of identity in neoliberal Chile
N Postero, H Risør, M Prieto
Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies 13 (3), 203–213, 2018
“Chilote tipo salmón”- relaciones entre comodificación de la naturaleza y procesos de producción identitaria. El caso de la región de Los Lagos y la industria salmonera
B Bustos-Gallardo, J Delano, M Prieto
Estudios Atacameños 63, 2019
Privatizing Water and Articulating Indigeneity: The Chilean Water Reforms and the Atacameño People (Likan Antai)
M Prieto
The University of Arizona, 2014
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Articles 1–20