Hung Thanh VU
Hung Thanh VU
Department of Computer Sciences, University of Science, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
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Cited by
Dual discriminator generative adversarial nets
T Nguyen, T Le, H Vu, D Phung
Advances in neural information processing systems 30, 2017
GPU implementation of extended gaussian mixture model for background subtraction
V Pham, P Vo, VT Hung
2010 IEEE RIVF International Conference on Computing & Communication …, 2010
Robust anomaly detection in videos using multilevel representations
H Vu, TD Nguyen, T Le, W Luo, D Phung
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 33 (01), 5216-5223, 2019
Effects of the boscalid fungicide Filan® on the marine amphipod Allorchestes compressa at environmentally relevant concentrations
HT Vu, MJ Keough, SM Long, VJ Pettigrove
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 35 (5), 1130-1137, 2016
Energy-Based Localised Anomaly Detection in Video Surveillance
H Vu, TD Nguyen, A Travers, S Venkatesh, D Phung
Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) 10234, 2017
Energy-based models for video anomaly detection
H Vu, D Phung, TD Nguyen, A Trevors, S Venkatesh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.05211, 2017
Deep Abnormality Detection in Video Data.
H Vu
IJCAI, 5217-5218, 2017
Learning generative adversarial networks from multiple data sources
T Le, Q Hoang, H Vu, TD Nguyen, H Bui, D Phung
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2019, 2823-2829, 2019
Face retrieval in large-scale news video datasets
TD Ngo, HT Vu, DD Le, S Satoh
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 96 (8), 1811-1825, 2013
Effects of two commonly used fungicides on the amphipod Austrochiltonia subtenuis
HT Vu, MJ Keough, SM Long, VJ Pettigrove
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 36 (3), 720-726, 2017
Geometric enclosing networks
T Le, H Vu, TD Nguyen, D Phung
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.04733, 2017
Toxicological effects of fungicide mixtures on the amphipod Austrochiltonia subtenuis
HT Vu, MJ Keough, SM Long, VJ Pettigrove
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 36 (10), 2651-2659, 2017
Detection of unknown anomalies in streaming videos with generative energy-based boltzmann models
H Vu, TD Nguyen, D Phung
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.01090, 2018
Testing the individual effective dose hypothesis
HT Vu, SJ Klaine
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 33 (4), 791-797, 2014
Changes in metabolic profiles of amphipods Allorchestes compressa after acute exposures to copper, pyrene, and their mixtures
H Shen, D Nzabanita, GM Sinclair, H Vu, S Grist, D Nugegoda, SM Long
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 99, 104120, 2023
Monetising resources on a solid pod using blockchain transactions
H Becker, H Vu, A Katzenbach, CHJ Braun, T Käfer
European Semantic Web Conference, 49-53, 2021
Batch normalized deep Boltzmann machines
H Vu, TD Nguyen, T Le, W Luo, D Phung
Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 359-374, 2018
A decision-making based feature for link prediction in signed social networks
HT Vu, BH Le
The 2013 RIVF International Conference on Computing & Communication …, 2013
Fast face sequence matching in large-scale video databases
HT Vu, TD Ngo, TN Nguyen, DD Le, S Satoh, BH Le, DA Duong
2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2549-2552, 2011
Efficient graph classification via graph encoding networks
TTT Ho, H Vu, B Le
2020 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication …, 2020
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Articles 1–20