Herbert J. Bernstein
Herbert J. Bernstein
Research Scholar, Ronin Institute for Independent Scholarship
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Recent changes to RasMol, recombining the variants
HJ Bernstein
Trends in biochemical sciences 25 (9), 453-455, 2000
The NeXus data format
M Könnecke, FA Akeroyd, HJ Bernstein, AS Brewster, SI Campbell, ...
Journal of applied crystallography 48 (1), 301-305, 2015
Unifying biological image formats with HDF5
MT Dougherty, MJ Folk, E Zadok, HJ Bernstein, FC Bernstein, KW Eliceiri, ...
Communications of the ACM 52 (10), 42-47, 2009
Lattices and reduced cells as points in 6-space and selection of Bravais lattice type by projections
LC Andrews, HJ Bernstein
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 44 (6 …, 1988
Determining the shape of a convex n-sided polygon by using 2n+ k tactile probes
HJ Bernstein
Information Processing Letters 22 (5), 255-260, 1986
Specification of the crystallographic information file format, version 2.0
HJ Bernstein, JC Bollinger, ID Brown, S Gražulis, JR Hester, B McMahon, ...
Applied Crystallography 49 (1), 277-284, 2016
A perturbation stable cell comparison technique
LC Andrews, HJ Bernstein, GA Pelletier
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Crystal Physics, Diffraction, Theoretical …, 1980
Parallel implementation of bisection for the calculation of eigenvalues of tridiagonal symmetric matrices
HJ Bernstein, M Goldstein
Computing 37 (1), 85-91, 1986
The geometry of Niggli reduction: BGAOL–embedding Niggli reduction and analysis of boundaries
LC Andrews, HJ Bernstein
Journal of Applied Crystallography 47 (1), 346-359, 2014
Development of nanosecond time-resolved infrared detection at the LEAF pulse radiolysis facility
DC Grills, JA Farrington, BH Layne, JM Preses, HJ Bernstein, JF Wishart
Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (4), 2015
CIF applications. V. CIFtbx2: Extended tool box for manipulating CIFs
SR Hall, HJ Bernstein
Journal of applied crystallography 29 (5), 598-603, 1996
FMX–the frontier microfocusing macromolecular crystallography beamline at the national synchrotron light source II
DK Schneider, W Shi, B Andi, J Jakoncic, Y Gao, DK Bhogadi, SF Myers, ...
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 28 (2), 650-665, 2021
Repetitively sampled time-of-flight mass spectrometry for gas-phase kinetics studies
C Fockenberg, HJ Bernstein, GE Hall, JT Muckerman, JM Preses, ...
Review of scientific instruments 70 (8), 3259-3264, 1999
CIF applications. VIII. pdb2cif: translating PDB entries into mmCIF format
HJ Bernstein, FC Bernstein, PE Bourne
Journal of applied crystallography 31 (2), 282-295, 1998
Annotation of proteins of unknown function: initial enzyme results
T McKay, K Hart, A Horn, H Kessler, G Dodge, K Bardhi, K Bardhi, JL Mills, ...
Journal of structural and functional genomics 16, 43-54, 2015
The geometry of Niggli reduction: SAUC–search of alternative unit cells
KJ McGill, M Asadi, MT Karakasheva, LC Andrews, HJ Bernstein
Journal of Applied Crystallography 47 (1), 360-364, 2014
Four High-level Extensions of Fortran IV: Slip, AMPPL-II, Treetran, Symbolang
NV Findler, JL Pfaltz, HJ Bernstein
(No Title), 1972
Selling reduction versus Niggli reduction for crystallographic lattices
LC Andrews, HJ Bernstein, NK Sauter
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 75 (1), 115-120, 2019
An accelerated bisection method for the calculation of eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
HJ Bernstein
Numerische Mathematik 43, 153-160, 1984
Crysnet a crystallographic computing network with interactive graphics display
EF Meyer Jr, CN Morimoto, J Villarreal, HM Berman, HL Carrell, ...
Computers in Life Science Research, 217-222, 1974
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Articles 1–20