Todd Lowe
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Cited by
Equilibrium and non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers
WJ Devenport, KT Lowe
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 131, 100807, 2022
Development and application of a point Doppler velocimeter featuring two-beam multiplexing for time-resolved measurements of high-speed flow
T Ecker, DR Brooks, KT Lowe, WF Ng
Experiments in fluids 55, 1-15, 2014
Cross-correlation Doppler global velocimetry (CC-DGV)
DR Cadel, KT Lowe
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 71, 51-61, 2015
Status of the NASA/Virginia Tech benchmark experiments for CFD validation
T Lowe, A Borgoltz, WJ Devenport, DJ Fritsch, A Gargiulo, ...
AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum, 1584, 2020
An overview of recent results using the StreamVaneTM method for generating tailored swirl distortion in jet engine research
T Guimarães, KT Lowe, W O’Brien
AIAA SciTech, 2016
Stereoscopic PIV measurements of swirl distortion on a full-scale turbofan engine inlet
M Nelson, KT Lowe, WF O'Brien, KM Hoopes
52nd aerospace sciences meeting, 0533, 2014
Low drag asymmetric tetrahedral vortex generators
RL Simpson, KT Lowe, QQ Tian
US Patent App. 13/116,131, 2011
Aerodynamic design and assessment of modular test section walls for CFD validation in hybrid anechoic wind tunnels
JE Duetsch-Patel, V Vishwanathan, JB Minionis, E Totten, A Gargiulo, ...
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 2214, 2020
Examination of flow sensitivities in turbulence model validation experiments
A Gargiulo, C Beardsley, V Vishwanathan, DJ Fritsch, JE Duetsch-Patel, ...
AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum, 1583, 2020
StreamVane turbofan inlet swirl distortion generator: mean flow and turbulence structure
T Guimarães, KT Lowe, WF O’brien
Journal of Propulsion and Power 34 (2), 340-353, 2018
Aerodynamic design and validation of a contraction profile for flow field improvement and uncertainty quantification in a subsonic wind tunnel
V Vishwanathan, M Szoke, JE Duetsch-Patel, A Gargiulo, DJ Fritsch, ...
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 2211, 2020
Use of thermal nonuniformity to reduce supersonic jet noise
KA Daniel, DE Mayo Jr, K Todd Lowe, WF Ng
AIAA Journal 57 (10), 4467-4475, 2019
Computational analysis of unstart in variable-geometry inlet
JP Reardon, JA Schetz, KT Lowe
Journal of Propulsion and Power 37 (4), 564-576, 2021
Eddy convection in developing heated supersonic jets
T Ecker, KT Lowe, WF Ng
AIAA Journal 53 (11), 3305-3315, 2015
Fan response to inlet swirl distortions produced by boundary layer ingesting aircraft configurations
DJ Frohnapfel, WF O'Brien
51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 3804, 2015
An experimental investigation of the performance impact of swirl on a turbine exhaust diffuser/collector for a series of diffuser strut geometries
S Xue, S Guillot, WF Ng, J Fleming, K Todd Lowe, N Samal, UE Stang
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 138 (9), 092603, 2016
Stereoscopic PIV measurements in a turbofan engine inlet with tailored swirl distortion
TB Guimaraes, KT Lowe, M Nelson, WF O'Brien, C Kirk
31st AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, 2866, 2015
An advanced laser-Doppler velocimeter for full-vector particle position and velocity measurements
KT Lowe, RL Simpson
Measurement Science and Technology 20 (4), 045402, 2009
Nonintrusive gas-turbine engine-exhaust characterization using acoustic measurements
R Otero Jr, KT Lowe, WF Ng, L Ma, CY Kim
Journal of Propulsion and Power 34 (3), 730-738, 2018
Analysis of coherent structures over a smooth wall turbulent boundary layer in pressure gradient using spectral proper orthogonal decomposition
V Vishwanathan, D Fritsch, TK Lowe, WJ Devenport
AIAA Aviation 2021 Forum, 2893, 2021
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Articles 1–20