Peter Dunn
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Cited by
A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity
LR Thompson, JG Sanders, D McDonald, A Amir, J Ladau, KJ Locey, ...
Nature 551 (7681), 457-463, 2017
Climate change has affected the breeding date of tree swallows throughout North America
PO Dunn, DW Winkler
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1999
Helpers liberate female fairy-wrens from constraints on extra-pair mate choice
RA Mulder, PO Dunn, A Cockburn, KA Lazenby-Cohen, MJ Howell
Proceedings: Biological Sciences, 223-229, 1994
Mating systems, sperm competition, and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in birds
PO Dunn, LA Whittingham, TE Pitcher
Evolution 55 (1), 161-175, 2001
Breeding dates and reproductive performance
P Dunn
Advances in ecological research 35, 69-87, 2004
Colour polymorphism in birds: causes and functions
P Galeotti, D Rubolini, PO Dunn, M Fasola
Journal of evolutionary biology 16 (4), 635-646, 2003
Predicting the effects of climate change on avian life-history traits
DW Winkler, PO Dunn, CE McCulloch
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (21), 13595-13599, 2002
Sexual selection explains Rensch's rule of allometry for sexual size dimorphism
J Dale, PO Dunn, J Figuerola, T Lislevand, T Székely, LA Whittingham
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1628), 2971-2979, 2007
Extra-pair paternity in monogamous Tree Swallows.
JT Lifjeld, PO Dunn, RJ Robertson, PT Boag
Animal Behaviour, 1993
Effects of climate change on timing of breeding and reproductive success in birds
PO Dunn, DW Winkler
Effects of climate change on birds, 113-128, 2010
Sexual selection accelerates signal evolution during speciation in birds
N Seddon, CA Botero, JA Tobias, PO Dunn, HEA MacGregor, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1766), 20131065, 2013
A test of the mismatch hypothesis: How is timing of reproduction related to food abundance in an aerial insectivore?
PO Dunn, DW Winkler, LA Whittingham, SJ Hannon, RJ Robertson
Ecology 92 (2), 450-461, 2011
Fairy-wren helpers often care for young to which they are unrelated
PO Dunn, A Cockburn, RA Mulder, PO Dunn, A Cockburn, RA Mulder
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1995
Contrasting patterns of mitochondrial and microsatellite population structure in fragmented populations of greater prairie‐chickens
JA Johnson, JE Toepfer, PO Dunn
Molecular Ecology 12 (12), 3335-3347, 2003
Offspring sex ratios in tree swallows: females in better condition produce more sons
LA Whittingham, PO Dunn
Molecular Ecology 9 (8), 1123-1129, 2001
Changes in breeding phenology and population size of birds
PO Dunn, AP Møller
Journal of Animal Ecology, 729-739, 2014
Sperm competition and the evolution of testes size in birds
TE Pitcher, PO Dunn, LA Whittingham
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18 (3), 557-567, 2005
Extrapair mate choice and honest signaling in cooperatively breeding superb fairy-wrens
PO Dunn, A Cockburn
Evolution, 938-946, 1999
Effects of breeding density, synchrony, and experience on extrapair paternity in tree swallows
PO Dunn, LA Whittingham, JT Lifjeld, RJ Robertson, PT Boag
Behavioral Ecology 5 (2), 123-129, 1994
Plumage color as a composite trait: developmental and functional integration of sexual ornamentation
AV Badyaev, GE Hill, PO Dunn, JC Glen
The American Naturalist 158 (3), 221-235, 2001
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Articles 1–20