Elisa Benedetti
Elisa Benedetti
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Cited by
Prevalence of youth gambling and potential influence of substance use and other risk factors throughout 33 European countries: First results from the 2015 ESPAD study
S Molinaro, E Benedetti, M Scalese, L Bastiani, L Fortunato, S Cerrai, ...
Addiction 113 (10), 1862-1873, 2018
Socioeconomic status, parental education, school connectedness and individual socio-cultural resources in vulnerability for drug use among students
G Gerra, E Benedetti, G Resce, R Potente, A Cutilli, S Molinaro
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (4), 1306, 2020
Monitoring quality and coverage of harm reduction services for people who use drugs: a consensus study
L Wiessing, M Ferri, V Běláčková, P Carrieri, SR Friedman, C Folch, ...
Harm reduction journal 14, 1-14, 2017
ESPAD Report 2019: Results From European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs
S Molinaro, J Vincente, E Benedetti, S Cerrai, E Colasante, S Arpa, ...
ISBN 978-92-9497-587-4, 2020
The use of multi-national web surveys for comparative analysis: Lessons from the European Web Survey on Drugs
J Matias, E Kalamara, F Mathis, K Skarupova, A Noor, N Singleton
International Journal of Drug Policy 73, 235-244, 2019
and-pencil versus computerized administration mode: Comparison of data quality and risk behavior prevalence estimates in the European school Survey Project on Alcohol and other …
E Colasante, E Benedetti, L Fortunato, M Scalese, R Potente, A Cutilli, ...
PLoS One 14 (11), e0225140, 2019
Problematic gaming risk among European adolescents: A cross‐national evaluation of individual and socio‐economic factors
E Colasante, E Pivetta, N Canale, A Vieno, C Marino, M Lenzi, ...
Addiction 117 (8), 2273-2282, 2022
Income-related inequality in gambling: evidence from Italy
G Resce, R Lagravinese, E Benedetti, S Molinaro
Review of Economics of the Household 17, 1107-1131, 2019
Cannabis policy changes and adolescent cannabis use: evidence from Europe
E Benedetti, G Resce, P Brunori, S Molinaro
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (10), 5174, 2021
How do online and offline sampling compare in a multinational study of drug use and nightlife behaviour?
J Waldron, M Grabski, TP Freeman, C Mokrysz, C Hindocha, F Measham, ...
International Journal of Drug Policy 82, 102812, 2020
E‐cigarette use and conventional cigarette smoking among European students: findings from the 2019 ESPAD survey
S Cerrai, E Benedetti, E Colasante, M Scalese, G Gorini, S Gallus, ...
Addiction 117 (11), 2918-2932, 2022
Drug Use Changes at the Individual Level: Results from a Longitudinal, Multisite Survey in Young Europeans Frequenting the Nightlife Scene
M Grabski, J Waldron, TP Freeman, C Mokrysz, RJJ Van Beek, ...
European Addiction Research 28 (2), 155-160, 2022
Trends in energy drink and combined alcohol and energy drinks consumption among Italian high school students, 2008–2019
M Scalese, S Cerrai, S Biagioni, E Benedetti, L Bastiani, R Potente, ...
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 228, 109061, 2021
i Urdih Lazar, T.(2018). Prevalence of youth gambling and potential infulence of substance use and other risk factors throughout 33 European countries: first results from the …
S Molinaro, E Benedetti, M Scalese, L Bastiani, L Fortunato, S Cerrai, ...
Addiction 113 (10), 1862-1872, 0
Violent behaviours among adolescents and young adults: association with psychoactive substance use and parenting styles
E Benedetti, E Colasante, S Cerrai, G Gerra, L Tadonio, P Pellegrini, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (7), 3756, 2022
At-risk gambling in patients with severe psychiatric illness and in community subjects matched for age and sex
A Vita, L Bastiani, C Turrina, E Benedetti, A Bergamini, S Molinaro
Psychiatry Research 304, 114142, 2021
GAPS, L’azzardo nella Regione Piemonte
E Benedetti, S Molinaro
Research report of the National Research Council, 2020
Gioco d’azzardo e lockdown: I risultati dello studio GAPS# iorestoacasa
E Benedetti, S Cerrai, S Molinaro
Med. Dipend 1, 10-39, 2020
& Skarupova, K.(2020)
S Molinaro, J Vincente, E Benedetti, S Cerrai, E Colasante, S Arpa
ESPAD report, 2019
ESPAD report 2019
S Molinaro, J Vicente, E Benedetti
Results from the European school survey project on alcohol and other drugs …, 2020
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Articles 1–20