Will Manley
Will Manley
Royal Agricultural University
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Benefits of organic farming to biodiversity vary among taxa
RJ Fuller, LR Norton, RE Feber, PJ Johnson, DE Chamberlain, AC Joys, ...
Biology letters 1 (4), 431-434, 2005
Stocks and flows of natural and human-derived capital in ecosystem services
L Jones, L Norton, Z Austin, AL Browne, D Donovan, BA Emmett, ...
Land use policy 52, 151-162, 2016
Consequences of organic and non-organic farming practices for field, farm and landscape complexity
L Norton, P Johnson, A Joys, R Stuart, D Chamberlain, R Feber, L Firbank, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 129 (1-3), 221-227, 2009
Factors influencing the plant and invertebrate diversity of arable field margins
EJ Asteraki, BJ Hart, TC Ings, WJ Manley
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 102 (2), 219-231, 2004
Is habitat linearity important for small mammal communities on farmland?
FH Tattersall, DW Macdonald, BJ Hart, P Johnson, W Manley, R Feber
Journal of applied ecology 39 (4), 643-652, 2002
Habitat use by wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) in a changeable arable landscape
FH Tattersall, DW Macdonald, BJ Hart, WJ Manley, RE Feber
Journal of Zoology 255 (4), 487-494, 2001
Manipulating the abundance of Lepthyphantes tenuis (Araneae: Linyphiidae) by field margin management
JR Bell, PJ Johnson, C Hambler, AJ Haughton, H Smith, RE Feber, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 93 (1-3), 295-304, 2002
Managing set-aside for field voles (Microtus agrestis)
FH Tattersall, AE Avundo, WJ Manley, BJ Hart, DW Macdonald
Biological Conservation 96 (1), 123-128, 2000
Organic farming: Biodiversity impacts can depend on dispersal characteristics and landscape context
RE Feber, PJ Johnson, JR Bell, DE Chamberlain, LG Firbank, RJ Fuller, ...
PLoS One 10 (8), e0135921, 2015
Small mammals on set-aside blocks and margins.
FH Tattersall, BJ Hart, WJ Manley, DW Macdonald, RE Feber
The framing of public knowledge controversies in the media: a comparative analysis of the portrayal of badger vaccination in the English national, regional and farming press
R Naylor, W Manley, D Maye, G Enticott, B Ilbery, A Hamilton‐Webb
Sociologia Ruralis 57 (1), 3-22, 2017
Small mammals on one-year set-aside
FH Tattersall, DW Macdonald, WJ Manley, S Gates, R Feber, BJ Hart
Acta Theriologica 42 (3), 329-334, 1997
Economic and environmental impacts of changes in support measures for the English Uplands: An in-depth forward look from the farmer's perspective-Final Report to Defra
P Gaskell, JC Dwyer, J Jones, N Jones, N Boatman, I Condliffe, ...
Defra, 2010
Invertebrate populations of field boundaries and set-aside land.
S Gates, RE Feber, DW Macdonald, BJ Hart, FH Tattersall, WJ Manley
Conservation & Conflict: Mammals & Farming in Britain
F Tattersall, W Manley
Westbury for the Linnean Society of London, 2003
Habitat creation in large fields for natural pest regulation.
BJ Hart, WJ Manley, TM Limb, WP Davies
Does organic farming affect biodiversity?
RE Feber, PJ Johnson, D Chamberlain, L Firbank, R Fuller, B Hart, ...
Oxford Scholarship Online 1, 108-132, 2015
Green infrastructure
W Manley, S Price
Smart Urban Regeneration, 40-53, 2017
How can field margin management contribute to invertebrate biodiversity?
B Hart, H Smith, DW Macdonald
Wildlife Conservation on Farmland: Managing for nature on lowland farms 1, 43, 2015
Attitudes to Uplands Entry Level Stewardship
J Mills, P Gaskell, C Short, W Manley
Natural England, 2012
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Articles 1–20