Michael G K Jones
Cited by
Cited by
The zebrafish reference genome sequence and its relationship to the human genome
K Howe, MD Clark, CF Torroja, J Torrance, C Berthelot, M Muffato, ...
Nature 496 (7446), 498-503, 2013
Particle-flow reconstruction and global event description with the CMS detector
CMS collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 12 (10), P10003, 2017
TLR4 mutations are associated with endotoxin hyporesponsiveness in humans
NC Arbour, E Lorenz, BC Schutte, J Zabner, JN Kline, M Jones, K Frees, ...
Nature genetics 25 (2), 187-191, 2000
Top 10 plant‐parasitic nematodes in molecular plant pathology
JT Jones, A Haegeman, EGJ Danchin, HS Gaur, J Helder, MGK Jones, ...
Molecular plant pathology 14 (9), 946-961, 2013
Combined results of searches for the standard model Higgs boson in pp collisions at s= 7 TeV
S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Physics Letters B 710 (1), 26-48, 2012
Identification of heavy-flavour jets with the CMS detector in pp collisions at 13 TeV
CMS collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 13 (5), P05011, 2018
Techniques for the calculation of atomic structures and radiative data including relativistic corrections
W Eissner, M Jones, H Nussbaumer
Computer Physics Communications 8 (4), 270-306, 1974
Performance evaluation and design trade-offs for network-on-chip interconnect architectures
PP Pande, C Grecu, M Jones, A Ivanov, R Saleh
IEEE transactions on Computers 54 (8), 1025-1040, 2005
Core principles for successfully implementing and upscaling Nature-based Solutions
E Cohen-Shacham, A Andrade, J Dalton, N Dudley, M Jones, C Kumar, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 98, 20-29, 2019
Neratinib after trastuzumab-based adjuvant therapy in HER2-positive breast cancer (ExteNET): 5-year analysis of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial
M Martin, FA Holmes, B Ejlertsen, S Delaloge, B Moy, H Iwata, ...
The lancet oncology 18 (12), 1688-1700, 2017
Enzymic Assay of 10−7 to 10−14 Moles of Sucrose in Plant Tissues
MGK Jones, WH Outlaw Jr, OH Lowry
Plant physiology 60 (3), 379-383, 1977
Measurement of the Production Cross Section in Collisions <?format ?>at Using Dilepton Events
D Acosta, T Affolder, T Akimoto, MG Albrow, D Ambrose, S Amerio, ...
Physical review letters 93 (14), 142001, 2004
The phase-2 upgrade of the CMS tracker
K Klein, A Tumasyan, W Adam, F Ambrogi, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ...
The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: The ALFALFA Extragalactic H i Source Catalog
MP Haynes, R Giovanelli, BR Kent, EAK Adams, TJ Balonek, DW Craig, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 861 (1), 49, 2018
Charged jet evolution and the underlying event in proton-antiproton collisions at 1.8 TeV
T Affolder, H Akimoto, A Akopian, MG Albrow, P Amaral, D Amidei, ...
Physical Review D 65 (9), 092002, 2002
Diffractive Dijets with a Leading Antiproton in Collisions at
T Affolder, H Akimoto, A Akopian, MG Albrow, P Amaral, SR Amendolia, ...
Physical review letters 84 (22), 5043, 2000
Does gestational hypertension become pre‐eclampsia?
P Saudan, MA Brown, ML Buddle, M Jones
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 105 (11), 1177-1184, 1998
Observation of the Baryonic Flavor-Changing Neutral Current Decay
T Aaltonen, B Álvarez González, S Amerio, D Amidei, A Anastassov, ...
Physical review letters 107 (20), 201802, 2011
A survey of deep learning techniques for weed detection from images
ASMM Hasan, F Sohel, D Diepeveen, H Laga, MGK Jones
Computers and electronics in agriculture 184, 106067, 2021
Measurement of isolated photon production in pp and PbPb collisions at sNN= 2.76 TeV
S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Physics Letters B 710 (2), 256-277, 2012
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Articles 1–20