Chen Jiang
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Cited by
A general failure-pursuing sampling framework for surrogate-based reliability analysis
C Jiang, H Qiu, Z Yang, L Chen, L Gao, P Li
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 183, 47-59, 2019
Real-time estimation error-guided active learning Kriging method for time-dependent reliability analysis
C Jiang, H Qiu, L Gao, D Wang, Z Yang, L Chen
Applied Mathematical Modelling 77, 82-98, 2020
An adaptive hybrid single-loop method for reliability-based design optimization using iterative control strategy
C Jiang, H Qiu, L Gao, X Cai, P Li
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 56, 1271-1286, 2017
A sequential calibration and validation framework for model uncertainty quantification and reduction
C Jiang, Z Hu, Y Liu, ZP Mourelatos, D Gorsich, P Jayakumar
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 368, 113172, 2020
An efficient surrogate-assisted particle swarm optimization algorithm for high-dimensional expensive problems
X Cai, H Qiu, L Gao, C Jiang, X Shao
Knowledge-Based Systems 184, 104901, 2019
A stochastic process discretization method combing active learning Kriging model for efficient time-variant reliability analysis
D Zhang, P Zhou, C Jiang, M Yang, X Han, Q Li
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 384, 113990, 2021
An active failure-pursuing Kriging modeling method for time-dependent reliability analysis
C Jiang, D Wang, H Qiu, L Gao, L Chen, Z Yang
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 129, 112-129, 2019
Surrogate-assisted classification-collaboration differential evolution for expensive constrained optimization problems
Z Yang, H Qiu, L Gao, X Cai, C Jiang, L Chen
Information Sciences 508, 50-63, 2020
R2-RRT*: Reliability-based robust mission planning of off-road autonomous ground vehicle under uncertain terrain environment
C Jiang, Z Hu, ZP Mourelatos, D Gorsich, P Jayakumar, Y Fu, M Majcher
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 19 (2), 1030-1046, 2021
Iterative reliable design space approach for efficient reliability-based design optimization
C Jiang, H Qiu, X Li, Z Chen, L Gao, P Li
Engineering with Computers 36, 151-169, 2020
A screening-based gradient-enhanced Kriging modeling method for high-dimensional problems
L Chen, H Qiu, L Gao, C Jiang, Z Yang
Applied Mathematical Modelling 69, 15-31, 2019
A single-loop Kriging coupled with subset simulation for time-dependent reliability analysis
D Wang, H Qiu, L Gao, C Jiang
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 216, 107931, 2021
EEK-SYS: system reliability analysis through estimation error-guided adaptive Kriging approximation of multiple limit state surfaces
C Jiang, H Qiu, L Gao, D Wang, Z Yang, L Chen
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 198, 106906, 2020
Global and local Kriging limit state approximation for time-dependent reliability-based design optimization through wrong-classification probability
C Jiang, Y Yan, D Wang, H Qiu, L Gao
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 208, 107431, 2021
Optimization of expensive black-box problems via Gradient-enhanced Kriging
L Chen, H Qiu, L Gao, C Jiang, Z Yang
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 362, 112861, 2020
Two-layer adaptive surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm for high-dimensional computationally expensive problems
Z Yang, H Qiu, L Gao, C Jiang, J Zhang
Journal of Global Optimization 74, 327-359, 2019
Ensemble of surrogates with hybrid method using global and local measures for engineering design
L Chen, H Qiu, C Jiang, X Cai, L Gao
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 57, 1711-1729, 2018
Surrogate modeling of nonlinear dynamic systems: a comparative study
Y Zhao, C Jiang, MA Vega, MD Todd, Z Hu
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 23 (1), 011001, 2023
A two-stage support vector regression assisted sequential sampling approach for global metamodeling
C Jiang, X Cai, H Qiu, L Gao, P Li
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 58, 1657-1672, 2018
Time-dependent reliability analysis through projection outline-based adaptive Kriging
D Wang, C Jiang, H Qiu, J Zhang, L Gao
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 61, 1453-1472, 2020
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Articles 1–20