Charith Rathnayaka (C. M. Rathnayaka)
Cited by
Cited by
A physics-informed neural network-based topology optimization (PINNTO) framework for structural optimization
H Jeong, J Bai, CP Batuwatta-Gamage, C Rathnayaka, Y Zhou, YT Gu
Engineering Structures 278, 115484, 2023
Three-Dimensional (3D) Numerical Modeling of Morphogenesis in Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables
CM Rathnayaka, HCP Karunasena, W Senadeera, L Guan, YT Gu
Advances in Agricultural Machinery and Technologies, 431-454, 2018
Novel trends in numerical modelling of plant food tissues and their morphological changes during drying–a review
CMR Mudiyanselage, HCP Karunasena, YT Gu, L Guan, W Senadeera
Journal of Food Engineering 194, 24-39, 2017
A complete physics-informed neural network-based framework for structural topology optimization
H Jeong, C Batuwatta-Gamage, J Bai, YM Xie, C Rathnayaka, Y Zhou, ...
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 417, 116401, 2023
A physics-informed neural network-based surrogate framework to predict moisture concentration and shrinkage of a plant cell during drying
CP Batuwatta-Gamage, CM Rathnayaka, HCP Karunasena, W Wijerathne, ...
Journal of Food Engineering 332, 111137, 2022
A general Neural Particle Method for hydrodynamics modeling
J Bai, Y Zhou, Y Ma, H Jeong, H Zhan, C Rathnayaka, E Sauret, Y Gu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 393, 114740, 2022
An introduction to programming Physics-Informed Neural Network-based computational solid mechanics
J Bai, H Jeong, CP Batuwatta-Gamage, S Xiao, Q Wang, CM Rathnayaka, ...
International Journal of Computational Methods, 2023
A review of sedimentation rates in freshwater reservoirs: recent changes and causative factors
L Gonzalez Rodriguez, A McCallum, D Kent, C Rathnayaka, ...
Aquatic Sciences 85 (2), 60, 2023
A coarse-grained multiscale model to simulate morphological changes of food-plant tissues undergoing drying
W Wijerathne, CM Rathnayaka, HCP Karunasena, W Senadeera, ...
Soft matter 15 (5), 901-916, 2019
Application of 3D imaging and analysis techniques for the study of food plant cellular deformations during drying
CM Rathnayaka, HCP Karunasena, W Senadeera, YT Gu
Drying Technology 36 (5), 509-522, 2018
A novel physics-informed neural networks approach (PINN-MT) to solve mass transfer in plant cells during drying
CP Batuwatta-Gamage, C Rathnayaka, HCP Karunasena, H Jeong, ...
Biosystems Engineering 230, 219-241, 2023
Application of a coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and Coarse-Grained (CG) Numerical Modelling Approach to Study Three-Dimensional (3-D) Deformations of Single …
CMR Mudiyanselage, HCP Karunasena, W Senadeera, Y Gu
Soft Matter, 2018
A data-driven smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for fluids
J Bai, Y Zhou, CM Rathnayaka, H Zhan, E Sauret, Y Gu
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 132, 12-32, 2021
A 3-D coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Coarse-Grained model to simulate drying mechanisms of small cell aggregates
CM Rathnayaka, HCP Karunasena, W Senadeera, ...
Applied Mathematical Modelling 67, 219-233, 2019
A three-dimensional (3-D) meshfree-based computational model to investigate stress-strain-time relationships of plant cells during drying
CM Rathnayaka, HCP Karunasena, W Wijerathne, W Senadeera, YT Gu
Plos one 15 (7), e0235712, 2020
A 3-D meshfree numerical model to analyze cellular scale shrinkage of different categories of fruits and vegetables during drying
C Rathnayaka, C Karunasena, YT Gu, L Guan, J Banks, W Senadeera
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Methods …, 2016
Preparative pre-laboratory online resources for effectively managing cognitive load of engineering students
CM Rathnayaka, J Ganapathi, S Kickbusch, L Dawes, R Brown
European Journal of Engineering Education 49 (1), 113-138, 2024
A physics-informed neural network framework to investigate nonlinear and heterogenous shrinkage of drying plant cells
CP Batuwatta-Gamage, CM Rathnayaka, HCP Karunasena, H Jeong, ...
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 275, 109267, 2024
Customization of loss weights for physics-informed neural networks (pinns) when solving multiple partial differential equations: A case study on plant cell drying
CP Batuwatta Gamage, C Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage, CPK Helambage, ...
USNCCM17 Book of Abstracts, 764-765, 2023
Microscale and Multiscale Computational Modelling of Morphological Changes in Plant Cellular Structure during Drying with a coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Coarse …
CM Rathnayaka, WDCC Wijerathne, HCP Karunasena, W Senadeera, ...
Advances in Computational Engineering Science - ISBN: 978-1-946018-01-4, 1-10, 2018
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Articles 1–20