Chunqiang Hu
Chunqiang Hu
Professor of Big Data & Software Engineering, Chongqing University.
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Cited by
Fog Computing for the Internet of Things: Security and Privacy Issues
A Alrawais, A Alhothaily, C Hu, X Cheng
IEEE Internet Computing 21 (2), 34-42, 2017
Outsourcing large matrix inversion computation to a public cloud
X Lei, X Liao, T Huang, H Li, C Hu
IEEE Transactions on cloud computing 1 (1), 1-1, 2013
OPFKA: Secure and efficient ordered-physiological-feature-based key agreement for wireless body area networks
C Hu, X Cheng, F Zhang, D Wu, X Liao, D Chen
2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 2274-2282, 2013
Body area network security: a fuzzy attribute-based signcryption scheme
C Hu, N Zhang, H Li, X Cheng, X Liao
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 31 (9), 37-46, 2013
An Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme to Secure Fog Communications
A Alrawais, A Alhothaily, C Hu, X Xing, X Cheng
IEEE Access 5, 9131-9138, 2017
Secure and Efficient data communication protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks
C Hu, H Li, Y Huo, T Xiang, X Liao
IEEE Transactions on Multiscale Computing Systems 2 (2), 94-107, 2016
Mutual Privacy Preserving k-Means Clustering in Social Participatory Sensing
K Xing, C Hu, J Yu, X Cheng, F Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (4), 2066 - 2076, 2017
A secure and verifiable access control scheme for big data storage in clouds
C Hu, W Li, X Cheng, J Yu, S Wang, R Bie
IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2018
Verifiable multi-secret sharing based on LFSR sequences
C Hu, X Liao, X Cheng
Theoretical Computer Science 445, 52-62, 2012
An efficient blockchain-based privacy preserving scheme for vehicular social networks
Y Pu, T Xiang, C Hu, A Alrawais, H Yan
Information Sciences 540, 308-324, 2020
Secure and efficient data collection and storage of IoT in smart ocean
C Hu, Y Pu, F Yang, R Zhao, A Alrawais, T Xiang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (10), 9980-9994, 2020
Trustworthiness inference framework in the social Internet of Things: A context-aware approach
H Xia, F Xiao, S Zhang, C Hu, X Cheng
IEEE INFOCOM 2019-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 838-846, 2019
An efficient social-like semantic-aware service discovery mechanism for large-scale Internet of Things
H Xia, C Hu, F Xiao, X Cheng, Z Pan
Computer Networks 152, 210-220, 2019
A Secure and Verifiable Outsourcing Scheme for Matrix Inverse Computation
C Hu, A Alhothaily, A Alrawais, X Cheng, C Sturtivant, H Liu
IEEE INFOCOM 2017, 2017
A Secure and Practical Authentication Scheme Using Personal Devices
A Alhothaily, C Hu, A Alrawais, T Song, X Cheng, D Chen
IEEE Access 5 (1), 11677-11687, 2017
R²PEDS: A Recoverable and Revocable Privacy-Preserving Edge Data Sharing Scheme
Y Pu, C Hu, S Deng, A Alrawais
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (9), 8077-8089, 2020
An Attribute-Based Signcryption Scheme to Secure Attribute-Defined Multicast Communications
C Hu, X Cheng, Z Tian, J Yu, K Akkaya, L Sun
11th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication …, 2015
Robust collaborative spectrum sensing schemes for cognitive radio networks
H Li, X Cheng, K Li, C Hu, N Zhang, W Xue
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 25 (8), 2190-2200, 2013
SecureGuard: A Certificate Validation System in Public Key Infrastructure
A Alrawais, A Alhothaily, J Yu, C Hu, X Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (99), 2018
LoDPD: A Location Difference-based Proximity Detection Protocol for Fog Computing
Y Huo, C Hu, X Qi, T Jing
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2017
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Articles 1–20