Professor (Kenneth) Tak Wing Yiu
Professor (Kenneth) Tak Wing Yiu
School of Built Environment, UNSW Sydney
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Cited by
Predicting safety behavior in the construction industry: Development and test of an integrative model
BHW Guo, TW Yiu, VA González
Safety science 84, 1-11, 2016
A framework for trust in construction contracting
WK Wong, SO Cheung, TW Yiu, HY Pang
International journal of project management 26 (8), 821-829, 2008
Are construction disputes inevitable?
SO Cheung, TW Yiu
IEEE transactions on engineering management 53 (3), 456-470, 2006
Interweaving trust and communication with project performance
SO Cheung, TW Yiu, MC Lam
Journal of construction engineering and management 139 (8), 941-950, 2013
The effectiveness of traditional tools and computer-aided technologies for health and safety training in the construction sector: A systematic review
Y Gao, VA Gonzalez, TW Yiu
Computers & Education 138, 101-115, 2019
Developing leading indicators to monitor the safety conditions of construction projects
BHW Guo, TW Yiu
Journal of management in engineering 32 (1), 04015016, 2016
A study of styles and outcomes in construction dispute negotiation
SO Cheung, TW Yiu, SF Yeung
Journal of construction engineering and management 132 (8), 805-814, 2006
Identifying behaviour patterns of construction safety using system archetypes
BHW Guo, TW Yiu, VA González
Accident Analysis & Prevention 80, 125-141, 2015
A conceptualisation of relationship quality in construction procurement
MB Jelodar, TW Yiu, S Wilkinson
International Journal of Project Management 34 (6), 997-1011, 2016
Selection and use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in construction projects—Past and future research
CK Lee, TW Yiu, SO Cheung
International Journal of Project Management 34 (3), 494-507, 2016
Developing a trust inventory for construction contracting
SO Cheung, WK Wong, TW Yiu, HY Pang
International Journal of project management 29 (2), 184-196, 2011
A catastrophe model of construction conflict behavior
KTW Yiu, SO Cheung
Building and environment 41 (4), 438-447, 2006
How relational are construction contracts?
SO Cheung, KT Yiu, PS Chim
Journal of professional issues in engineering education and practice 132 (1 …, 2006
Blockchain-aided information exchange records for design liability control and improved security
ASE Pradeep, TW Yiu, Y Zou, R Amor
Automation in construction 126, 103667, 2021
Role of management strategies in improving labor productivity in general construction projects in New Zealand: Managerial perspective
N Ghodrati, T Wing Yiu, S Wilkinson, M Shahbazpour
Journal of Management in Engineering 34 (6), 04018035, 2018
Leveraging blockchain technology in a BIM workflow: A literature review
AS Erri Pradeep, TW Yiu, R Amor
International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction 2019 …, 2019
Exploring the relationship between construction workers’ personality traits and safety behavior
Y Gao, VA González, TW Yiu
Journal of construction engineering and management 146 (3), 04019111, 2020
A cleaner production-pollution prevention based framework for construction site induced water pollution
S Belayutham, VA Gonzalez, TW Yiu
Journal of Cleaner Production 135, 1363-1378, 2016
Behavioral transition: A framework for the construction conflict--tension relationship
TW Yiu, SO Cheung
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 54 (3), 498-505, 2007
A study of construction mediator tactics—Part I: Taxonomies of dispute sources, mediator tactics and mediation outcomes
SO Cheung, KTW Yiu
Building and environment 42 (2), 752-761, 2007
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Articles 1–20