Peter Magnusson
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Cited by
“What? I thought Samsung was Japanese”: accurate or not, perceived country of origin matters
P Magnusson, SA Westjohn, S Zdravkovic
International Marketing Review 28 (5), 454-472, 2011
Dimensions of fit between a brand and a social cause and their influence on attitudes
S Zdravkovic, P Magnusson, SM Stanley
International Journal of Research in Marketing 27 (2), 151-160, 2010
Social identity and brand equity formation: A comparative study of collegiate sports fans
BA Boyle, P Magnusson
Journal of Sport Management 21 (4), 497-520, 2007
Responsiveness to Global and Local Consumer Culture Positioning: A Personality and Collective Identity Perspective
SA Westjohn, N Singh, P Magnusson
Journal of International Marketing 20 (1), 58-73, 2012
Breaking through the cultural clutter: A comparative assessment of multiple cultural and institutional frameworks
P Magnusson, RT Wilson, S Zdravkovic, J Xin Zhou, SA Westjohn
International Marketing Review 25 (2), 183-201, 2008
The Role of Cultural Intelligence in Marketing Adaptation and Export Performance
P Magnusson, SA Westjohn, A Semenov, A Randrianasolo, S Zdravkovic
Journal of International Marketing 21 (4), 44-61, 2013
Beyond anger: A deeper look at consumer animosity
CM Harmeling, P Magnusson, N Singh
Journal of International Business Studies 46, 676-693, 2015
Technology readiness and usage: a global-identity perspective
SA Westjohn, MJ Arnold, P Magnusson, S Zdravkovic, JX Zhou
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 37, 250-265, 2009
When learning is not enough: A process model of expatriate adjustment as cultural cognitive dissonance reduction
CP Maertz Jr, A Hassan, P Magnusson
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 108 (1), 66-78, 2009
The spillover effects of prototype brand transgressions on country image and related brands
P Magnusson, V Krishnan, SA Westjohn, S Zdravkovic
Journal of International Marketing 22 (1), 21-38, 2014
International experience and CEO selection: An empirical study
P Magnusson, DJ Boggs
Journal of International Management 12 (1), 107-125, 2006
Diverse effects of diversity: Disaggregating effects of diversity in global virtual teams
V Taras, D Baack, D Caprar, D Dow, F Froese, A Jimenez, P Magnusson
Journal of International Management 25 (4), 100689, 2019
Beyond country image favorability: How brand positioning via country personality stereotypes enhances brand evaluations
P Magnusson, SA Westjohn, NJ Sirianni
Journal of International Business Studies 50 (3), 318-338, 2019
A process-based explanation of the psychic distance paradox: Evidence from global virtual teams
P Magnusson, A Schuster, V Taras
Management international review 54, 283-306, 2014
Meta-analysis of cultural differences: Another slice at the apple
P Magnusson, DW Baack, S Zdravkovic, KM Staub, LS Amine
International Business Review 17 (5), 520-532, 2008
Further clarification on how perceived brand origin affects brand attitude: A reply to Samiee and Usunier
P Magnusson, SA Westjohn, S Zdravkovic
International Marketing Review 28 (5), 497-507, 2011
Order-of-entry effects for service firms in developing markets: An examination of multinational advertising agencies
P Magnusson, SA Westjohn, DJ Boggs
Journal of International Marketing 17 (2), 23-41, 2009
Home country institutional effects on the multinationality–performance relationship: a comparison between emerging and developed market multinationals
JMG Geleilate, P Magnusson, RC Parente, MJ Alvarado-Vargas
Journal of International Management 22 (4), 380-402, 2016
The influence of regulatory focus on global consumption orientation and preference for global versus local consumer culture positioning
SA Westjohn, MJ Arnold, P Magnusson, K Reynolds
Journal of International Marketing 24 (2), 22-39, 2016
Export performance: a focus on discretionary adaptation
SA Westjohn, P Magnusson
Journal of International Marketing 25 (4), 70-88, 2017
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Articles 1–20