Zachary Stephen
Zachary Stephen
Research Scientist, University of Washington Dept. of Pharmaceutics
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Magnetite nanoparticles for medical MR imaging
ZR Stephen, FM Kievit, M Zhang
Materials Today 14 (7-8), 330-338, 2011
Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as T1 Contrast Agents for Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Fundamentals, Challenges, Applications, and Prospectives
M Jeon, MV Halbert, ZR Stephen, M Zhang
Advanced Materials 33 (23), 1906539, 2021
PEG-Mediated Synthesis of Highly Dispersive Multifunctional Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles: Their Physicochemical Properties and Function In Vivo
C Sun, K Du, C Fang, N Bhattarai, O Veiseh, F Kievit, Z Stephen, D Lee, ...
ACS nano 4 (4), 2402-2410, 2010
Tumor-targeted drug delivery and MRI contrast enhancement by chlorotoxin-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles
C Sun, C Fang, Z Stephen, O Veiseh, S Hansen, D Lee, RG Ellenbogen, ...
Future Medicine Ltd 3 (4), 495-505, 2008
Temozolomide nanoparticles for targeted glioblastoma therapy
C Fang, K Wang, ZR Stephen, Q Mu, FM Kievit, DT Chiu, OW Press, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (12), 6674-6682, 2015
Targeting of primary breast cancers and metastases in a transgenic mouse model using rationally designed multifunctional SPIONs
FM Kievit, ZR Stephen, O Veiseh, H Arami, T Wang, VP Lai, JO Park, ...
ACS nano 6 (3), 2591-2601, 2012
Redox-Responsive Magnetic Nanoparticle for Targeted Convection-Enhanced Delivery of O6-Benzylguanine to Brain Tumors
ZR Stephen, FM Kievit, O Veiseh, PA Chiarelli, C Fang, K Wang, ...
ACS nano 8 (10), 10383-10395, 2014
Theranostic nanoparticles for RNA-based cancer treatment
RA Revia, ZR Stephen, M Zhang
Accounts of chemical research 52 (6), 1496-1506, 2019
Fabrication of magnetic nanoparticles with controllable drug loading and release through a simple assembly approach
C Fang, FM Kievit, O Veiseh, ZR Stephen, T Wang, D Lee, RG Ellenbogen, ...
Journal of controlled release 162 (1), 233-241, 2012
Chitosan-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for molecular imaging and drug delivery
H Arami, Z Stephen, O Veiseh, M Zhang
Chitosan for Biomaterials I, 163-184, 2011
3D porous chitosan–alginate scaffolds as an in vitro model for evaluating nanoparticle-mediated tumor targeting and gene delivery to prostate cancer
K Wang, FM Kievit, SJ Florczyk, ZR Stephen, M Zhang
Biomacromolecules 16 (10), 3362-3372, 2015
Approach to rapid synthesis and functionalization of iron oxide nanoparticles for high gene transfection
ZR Stephen, CJ Dayringer, JJ Lim, RA Revia, MV Halbert, M Jeon, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (10), 6320-6328, 2016
Iron‐oxide‐based nanovector for tumor targeted siRNA delivery in an orthotopic hepatocellular carcinoma xenograft mouse model
K Wang, FM Kievit, JG Sham, M Jeon, ZR Stephen, A Bakthavatsalam, ...
Small 12 (4), 477-487, 2016
Nanoparticle mediated silencing of DNA repair sensitizes pediatric brain tumor cells to γ-irradiation
FM Kievit, ZR Stephen, K Wang, CJ Dayringer, JG Sham, RG Ellenbogen, ...
Molecular oncology 9 (6), 1071-1080, 2015
Glypican-3 targeting of liver cancer cells using multifunctional nanoparticles
JO Park, Z Stephen, C Sun, O Veiseh, FM Kievit, C Fang, M Leung, H Mok, ...
Molecular imaging 10 (1), 7290.2010. 00048, 2011
Hexanoyl-chitosan-PEG copolymer coated iron oxide nanoparticles for hydrophobic drug delivery
MH Hsiao, Q Mu, ZR Stephen, C Fang, M Zhang
ACS macro letters 4 (4), 403-407, 2015
Recent Progress in the Synergistic Combination of Nanoparticle‐Mediated Hyperthermia and Immunotherapy for Treatment of Cancer
ZR Stephen, M Zhang
Advanced Healthcare Materials 10 (2), 2001415, 2021
Microfluidic Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
M James, RA Revia, Z Stephen, M Zhang
Nanomaterials 10 (11), 2113, 2020
Nanoparticle biokinetics in mice and nonhuman primates
PA Chiarelli, RA Revia, ZR Stephen, K Wang, M Jeon, V Nelson, ...
ACS nano 11 (9), 9514-9524, 2017
Time-resolved MRI assessment of convection-enhanced delivery by targeted and nontargeted nanoparticles in a human glioblastoma mouse model
ZR Stephen, PA Chiarelli, RA Revia, K Wang, F Kievit, C Dayringer, ...
Cancer research 79 (18), 4776-4786, 2019
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Articles 1–20