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Ryan Roth
Ryan Roth
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PHENIX detector overview
K Adcox, SS Adler, M Aizama, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, H Akikawa, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2003
MADAMIRA: A Fast, Comprehensive Tool for Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation of Arabic.
A Pasha, M Al-Badrashiny, MT Diab, A El Kholy, R Eskander, N Habash, ...
LREC 14, 1094-1101, 2014
MADA+ TOKAN: A toolkit for Arabic tokenization, diacritization, morphological disambiguation, POS tagging, stemming and lemmatization
N Habash, O Rambow, R Roth
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Arabic language resources …, 2009
Arabic morphological tagging, diacritization, and lemmatization using lexeme models and feature ranking
R Roth, O Rambow, N Habash, M Diab, C Rudin
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, short papers, 117-120, 2008
Resonant-plasmon field enhancement from asymmetrically illuminated conical metallic-probe tips
RM Roth, NC Panoiu, MM Adams, RM Osgood, CC Neacsu, MB Raschke
Optics Express 14 (7), 2921-2931, 2006
Morphological analysis and disambiguation for dialectal Arabic
N Habash, R Roth, O Rambow, R Eskander, N Tomeh
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2013
Catib: The columbia arabic treebank
N Habash, RM Roth
Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2009 conference short papers, 221-224, 2009
PHENIX muon arms
H Akikawa, A Al-Jamel, JB Archuleta, JR Archuleta, R Armendariz, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2003
Handbook of natural language processing and machine translation: DARPA global autonomous language exploitation
J Olive
Springer-Verlag New York Inc, 2011
Syntactic annotation in the Columbia Arabic treebank
N Habash, R Faraj, R Roth
Proceedings of MEDAR International Conference on Arabic Language Resources …, 2009
LDC Arabic treebanks and associated corpora: Data divisions manual
M Diab, N Habash, O Rambow, R Roth
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.5652, 2013
Compositional and structural changes in following deep ion implantation for film exfoliation
RM Roth, D Djukic, YS Lee, RM Osgood Jr, S Bakhru, B Laulicht, K Dunn, ...
Applied physics letters 89 (11), 112906, 2006
Electro-optically tunable second-harmonic-generation gratings in ion-exfoliated thin films of periodically poled lithium niobate
D Djukic, G Cerda-Pons, RM Roth, RM Osgood Jr, S Bakhru, H Bakhru
Applied physics letters 90 (17), 171116, 2007
Polarization-tunable plasmon-enhanced extraordinary transmission through metallic films using asymmetric cruciform apertures
RM Roth, NC Panoiu, MM Adams, JI Dadap, RM Osgood Jr
Optics letters 32 (23), 3414-3416, 2007
Low-voltage planar-waveguide electrooptic prism scanner in Crystal-Ion-Sliced thin-film LiNbO3
D Djukic, R Roth, JT Yardley, RM Osgood, S Bakhru, H Bakhru
Optics express 12 (25), 6159-6164, 2004
Low-voltage tunable TE/TM converter on ion-sliced lithium niobate thin film
T Izuhara, R Roth, RM Osgood, S Bakhru, H Bakhru
Electronics Letters 39 (15), 1118-1119, 2003
Terahertz wave generation and propagation in thin-film lithium niobate produced by crystal ion slicing
DW Ward, ER Statz, KA Nelson, RM Roth, RM Osgood
Applied Physics Letters 86 (2), 022908, 2005
Mada+ tokan manual
NY Habash, OC Rambow, RM Roth
Center for Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University, 2010
Automatic morphological enrichment of a morphologically underspecified treebank
S Alkuhlani, N Habash, R Roth
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2013
Using deep morphology to improve automatic error detection in Arabic handwriting recognition
N Habash, RM Roth
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2011
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