Pier Matteo Barone
Pier Matteo Barone
The American University of Rome
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Drones as an integral part of remote sensing technologies to help missing people
MG Pensieri, M Garau, PM Barone
Drones 4 (2), 15, 2020
Finding graves in a cemetery: Preliminary forensic GPR investigations in the Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome (Italy)
PM Barone, KJ Swanger, N Stanley-Price, A Thursfield
Measurement 80 (February), 53–57, 2016
Monitoring shallow soil water content under natural field conditions using the early-time GPR signal technique
C Ferrara, PM Barone, C Steelman, E Pettinelli, AL Endres
Vadose Zone Journal, 2013
Non-Invasive Moisture Detection for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage
PM Barone, C Ferrara
Heritage 1, 163-170, 2018
Forensic geophysics: ground penetrating radar (GPR) techniques and missing persons investigations
PM Barone, RM Di Maggio
Forensic Sciences Research 4 (4), 337-340, 2019
Understanding Buried Anomalies: A Practical Guide to GPR
PM Barone
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 92, 2016
GPR detectability of rocks in a Martian-like shallow subsoil: A numerical approach
G Valerio, A Galli, P Matteo Barone, SE Lauro, E Mattei, E Pettinelli
Planetary and Space Science, 2012
Desertification risk, long-term land-use changes and environmental resilience: a case study in Basilicata, Italy
L Salvati, A De Angelis, S Bajocco, A Ferrara, PM Barone
Scottish Geographical Journal 129 (2), 85-99, 2013
Geoscientists at Crime Scenes
RM Di Maggio, PM Barone
Switzerland: Springer, 2017
Estimation of subsurface dielectric target depth for GPR planetary exploration: Laboratory measurements and modeling
SE Lauro, E Mattei, PM Barone, E Pettinelli, G Vannaroni, G Valerio, ...
Journal of Applied Geophysics 93, 93-100, 2013
Detecting moisture damage in archaeology and cultural heritage sites using the GPR technique: A brief introduction
C Ferrara, PM Barone
Int. J. Archaeol 3 (1-1), 57-61, 2015
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Forensic Archaelology. Topics discussed during the European Meetings on Forensic Archaeology (EMFA)
PM Barone, M Groen
Radio wave techniques for non-destructive archaeological investigations
E Pettinelli, PM Barone, E Mattei, SE Lauro
Contemporary Physics 52 (2), 121-130, 2011
A remote-sensing approach to investigate the root system architecture beneath the soil
C Ferrara, PM Barone, E Pettinelli, L Salvati
Applied Ecology And Environmental Research 12 (3), 695-702, 2014
Geologia forense
RM Di Maggio, PM Barone, E Pettinelli, E Mattei, SE Lauro, A Banchelli
Introduzione alle geoscienze applicate alle indagini giudiziarie: Dario …, 2013
GPR Estimation of the Geometrical Features of Buried Metallic Targets in Testing Conditions
F Soldovieri, I Catapano, PM Barone, SE Lauro, E Mattei, E Pettinelli, ...
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 49, 339-362, 2013
S Stoddart, PM Barone, et alii.
Papers of the British School at Rome 80, 257-­294, 2012
Non-destructive technique to investigate an archaeological structure: a GPR survey in the Domus Aurea (Rome, Italy)
PM Barone, E Mattei, SE Lauro, E Pettinelli
Proceedings of the XIII Internarional Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar …, 2010
Global developments in forensic geology
RM Di Maggio, LJ Donnelly, KS Al Naimi, PM Barone, FADS Salvador, ...
Episodes Journal of International Geoscience 40 (2), 120-131, 2017
Comparison of GPR and unilateral NMR for water content measurements in a laboratory scale experiment
C Ferrara, V Di Tullio, PM Barone, E Mattei, SE Lauro, N Proietti, ...
Near Surface Geophysics, 2013
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Articles 1–20