Ahmad Zamani Jusoh
Ahmad Zamani Jusoh
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Effects of storage conditions of Moringa oleifera seeds on its performance in coagulation
S Katayon, MJMM Noor, M Asma, LAA Ghani, AM Thamer, I Azni, ...
Bioresource technology 97 (13), 1455-1460, 2006
Subtopic: Advances in water and wastewater treatment harvesting of Chlorella sp. microalgae using Aspergillus niger as bio-flocculant for aquaculture wastewater treatment
NM Nasir, FHM Yunos, HHW Jusoh, A Mohammad, SS Lam, A Jusoh
Journal of environmental management 249, 109373, 2019
Effects of mixed liquor suspended solid concentrations on membrane bioreactor efficiency for treatment of food industry wastewater
S Katayon, MJMM Noor, J Ahmad, LAA Ghani, H Nagaoka, H Aya
Desalination 167, 153-158, 2004
Treatment of mild domestic wastewater using subsurface constructed wetlands in Malaysia
S Katayon, Z Fiona, MJ Megat Mohd Noor, G Abdul Halim, J Ahmad
International Journal of Environmental Studies 65 (1), 87-102, 2008
SDR-based transceiver of digital communication system using USRP and GNU radio
J Muslimin, AL Asnawi, AF Ismail, AZ Jusoh
2016 International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering …, 2016
Development of voice control and home security for smart home automation
ME Abidi, AL Asnawi, NFM Azmin, AZ Jusoh, SN Ibrahim, HAM Ramli, ...
2018 7th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering …, 2018
Web based Water Turbidity Monitoring and Automated Filtration System: IoT Application in Water Management.
SN Ibrahim, AL Asnawi, N Abdul Malik, NF Mohd Azmin, AZ Jusoh, ...
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 8 (4), 2018
Microwave antenna sensing technique for determination of moisture content in hevea latex from'Hevea Brasiliensis' tree
AH Ali, Z Bin Abbas, J Bint Hassan, A Bin Jusoh, RBM Zahari
Australian Journal of Crop Science 5 (11), 1326-1333, 2011
Detection of sweetness level for fruits (watermelon) with machine learning
WNSW Nazulan, AL Asnawi, HAM Ramli, AZ Jusoh, SN Ibrahim, ...
2020 IEEE Conference on Big Data and Analytics (ICBDA), 79-83, 2020
Stress classification based on speech analysis of MFCC feature via Machine Learning
MSH Hilmy, AL Asnawi, AZ Jusoh, K Abdullah, SN Ibrahim, HAM Ramli, ...
2021 8th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering …, 2021
Development of multilanguage voice control for smart home with IoT
AH Ruslan, AZ Jusoh, AL Asnawi, MDR Othman, NIA Razak
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1921 (1), 012069, 2021
Design and comparison of printed antennas using meander line technique
NHM Mokhtar, NA Malek, AZ Jusoh, K Ali, FNM Isa, FDA Rahman
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 8 (2), 596-603, 2019
Determination of moisture content of maize kernel (Zea mays L.) by reflectance measurement at wavelengths 300nm to 800nm using optical technique
AM Norimi, Z Abbas, A Jusoh, MA Ismail
PIERS Proceedings, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 27 (30), 1072-174, 2012
Adaptive control of nonlinear system based on QFT application to 3-DOF flight control system
RI Boby, K Abdullah, AZ Jusoh, N Parveen, M Mahmud
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 17 (5 …, 2019
Emotion recognition using electroencephalogram signal
A Yosi, KA Sidek, HS Yaacob, M Othman, AZ Jusoh
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 15 (2 …, 2019
The needs of collaborative tool for practicing pair programming in educational setting
A Asnawi, A Ahmad, NM Azmin, K Ismail, A Jusoh, S Ibrahim, HM Ramli
International Association of Online Engineering, 2019
Batch Phytoremediation of Aquaculture Wastewater of Silver Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) Utilizing Green Microalgae; Chlorella sp.
J Ahmad, L Fathurrahman, AHS Hajar
Journal of fisheries and aquatic science 8 (4), 516, 2013
18s rDNA sequence analysis of microfungi from biofloc-based system in Pacific whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei culture
NA Kasan, NA Ghazali, NFC Hashim, I Jauhari, A Jusoh, M Ikhwanuddi
Biotechnology 17 (3), 135-141, 2018
Research Article A Spatial Nutrient Distribution Due to Seabass Aquaculture Activities at Setiu, Terengganu, Malaysia
AB Nurul Husna, J Ahmad, A Mohammad Fadhli, MMN MJ
Journal of Fisheries And Aquatic Science, 2016
Flashing Light as Growth Stimulant im Cultivation of Green Microalgae, Chlorella sp. Utilizimg Airlift Photobioreactor* L. Fathurrahman," AH. Siti Hajar," D. Wan Nur Sakinah …
L Fathurrahman
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 16 (22), 1517-1523, 2013
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Articles 1–20