Jean-Michel Loubes
Jean-Michel Loubes
INRIA (affiliated to Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse) & ANITI
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Review and perspective for distance based trajectory clustering
P Besse, B Guillouet, JM Loubes, R François
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation, 2015
PLS: a new statistical insight through the prism of orthogonal polynomials
M Blazère, F Gamboa, JM Loubes
arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.5900, 2014
Obtaining fairness using optimal transport theory
P Gordaliza, E Del Barrio, G Fabrice, JM Loubes
International conference on machine learning, 2357-2365, 2019
Existence and consistency of Wasserstein barycenters
T Le Gouic, JM Loubes
Probability Theory and Related Fields 168, 901-917, 2017
Distribution’s template estimate with Wasserstein metrics
E Boissard, T Le Gouic, JM Loubes
Bernoulli 21 (2), 740-759, 2015
Central limit theorems for empirical transportation cost in general dimension
E Del Barrio, JM Loubes
Annals of Probability 47 (2), 926-951, 2019
Destination prediction by trajectory distribution-based model
PC Besse, B Guillouet, JM Loubes, F Royer
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (8), 2470-2481, 2017
Semi-parametric estimation of shifts
F Gamboa, JM Loubes, E Maza
Electronic Journal of Statistics 1, 616-640, 2007
A survey of bias in machine learning through the prism of statistical parity
P Besse, E del Barrio, P Gordaliza, JM Loubes, L Risser
The American Statistician 76 (2), 188-198, 2022
A Gaussian process regression model for distribution inputs
F Bachoc, F Gamboa, JM Loubes, N Venet
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64 (10), 6620-6637, 2017
A new partial temporal bone of a juvenile hominin from the site of Kromdraai B (South Africa)
J Braga, JF Thackeray, J Dumoncel, D Descouens, L Bruxelles, ...
Journal of human evolution 65 (4), 447-456, 2013
Projection to fairness in statistical learning
TL Gouic, JM Loubes, P Rigollet
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.11720, 2020
Achieving robustness in classification using optimal transport with hinge regularization
M Serrurier, F Mamalet, A González-Sanz, T Boissin, JM Loubes, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Statistical Properties of the Quantile Normalization Method for Density Curve Alignment
S Gallón, JM Loubes, E Maza
Mathematical biosciences, 2011
Disproportionate Cochlear Length in Genus Homo Shows a High Phylogenetic Signal during Apes’ Hearing Evolution
EG J Braga, JM Loubes, D Descouens, J Dumoncel, JF Thackeray, JL Kahn, F de ...
PloS one 10 (6), e0127780, 2015
Adaptive estimation with soft thresholding penalties
JM Loubes, S Van De Geer
Statistica Neerlandica 56 (4), 453-478, 2002
Non asymptotic minimax rates of testing in signal detection with heterogeneous variances
B Laurent, JM Loubes, C Marteau
Discussion of" Least angle regression" by Efron et al
PM J-M Loubes
The Annals of Statistics, 2004
An improved central limit theorem and fast convergence rates for entropic transportation costs
E del Barrio, AG Sanz, JM Loubes, J Niles-Weed
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 5 (3), 639-669, 2023
Central limit theorem and bootstrap procedure for Wasserstein’s variations with an application to structural relationships between distributions
E Del Barrio, P Gordaliza, H Lescornel, JM Loubes
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 169, 341-362, 2019
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Articles 1–20