Kodanda Phani Raj Dandamudi
Cited by
Cited by
Extraction of bio-oils from algae with supercritical carbon dioxide and co-solvents
PD Patil, KPR Dandamudi, J Wang, Q Deng, S Deng
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 135, 60-68, 2018
Hydrothermal liquefaction of Cyanidioschyzon merolae and the influence of catalysts on products
T Muppaneni, HK Reddy, T Selvaratnam, KPR Dandamudi, B Dungan, ...
Bioresource technology 223, 91-97, 2017
Transesterification of waste cooking oil to produce a sustainable rejuvenator for aged asphalt
D Oldham, A Rajib, KPR Dandamudi, Y Liu, S Deng, EH Fini
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 168, 105297, 2021
Effective depolymerization of polyethylene plastic wastes under hydrothermal and solvothermal liquefaction conditions
Y Liu, KC Akula, KPR Dandamudi, Y Liu, M Xu, A Sanchez, D Zhu, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 446, 137238, 2022
Co-liquefaction of mixed culture microalgal strains under sub-critical water conditions
KPR Dandamudi, T Muppaneni, N Sudasinghe, T Schaub, FO Holguin, ...
Bioresource technology 236, 129-137, 2017
Hydrothermal liquefaction of Cyanidioschyzon merolae and Salicornia bigelovii Torr.: The interaction effect on product distribution and chemistry
KPR Dandamudi, KM Luboowa, M Laideson, T Murdock, M Seger, ...
Fuel 277, 118146, 2020
Hydrothermal liquefaction of green microalga Kirchneriella sp. under sub-and super-critical water conditions
KPR Dandamudi, T Muppaneni, JS Markovski, P Lammers, S Deng
Biomass and bioenergy 120, 224-228, 2019
Improving recycled asphalt using sustainable hybrid rejuvenators with enhanced intercalation into oxidized asphaltenes nanoaggregates
A Samieadel, AI Rajib, KPR Dandamudi, S Deng, EH Fini
Construction and Building Materials 262, 120090, 2020
Pyrolysis of hydrothermal liquefaction algal biochar for hydrogen production in a membrane reactor
AFM Ibrahim, KPR Dandamudi, S Deng, JYS Lin
Fuel 265, 116935, 2020
Nitrogen-doped porous carbons for highly selective CO2 capture from flue gases and natural gas upgrading
J Wang, R Krishna, J Yang, KPR Dandamudi, S Deng
Materials Today Communications 4, 156-165, 2015
Production of functionalized carbon from synergistic hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae and swine manure
KPR Dandamudi, T Murdock, PJ Lammers, S Deng, EH Fini
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 170, 105564, 2021
Recycle of nitrogen and phosphorus in hydrothermal liquefaction biochar from Galdieria sulphuraria to cultivate microalgae
KPR Dandamudi, M Mathew, T Selvaratnam, T Muppaneni, M Seger, ...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 171, 105644, 2021
Oil tea shell synthesized biochar adsorptive utilization for the nitrate removal from aqueous media
T Mehmood, AU Khan, KPR Dandamudi, S Deng, MH Helal, HM Ali, ...
Chemosphere 307, 136045, 2022
Rapid analysis of microalgal triacylglycerols with direct-infusion mass spectrometry
E Christensen, N Sudasinghe, KPR Dandamudi, R Sebag, T Schaub, ...
Energy & Fuels 29 (10), 6443-6449, 2015
Towards more durable recycled bituminous composites
SF Kabir, AI Rajib, KPR Dandamudi, Y Liu, EH Fini
Construction and Building Materials 318, 126177, 2022
Depolymerization of recovered plastic materials
S Deng, Y Liu, KC Akula, KPR Dandamudi
US Patent App. 18/468,567, 2024
Depolymerization of recovered plastic materials
S Deng, Y Liu, KC Akula, KPR Dandamudi
US Patent 11,840,667, 2023
Biochar additives for bituminous composites
E Fini, S Deng, AI Rajib, KPR Dandamudi
US Patent App. 18/020,038, 2023
Nutrient recovery from hydrothermal liquefaction biochar
S Deng, P Lammers, KPR Dandamudi, M Seger
US Patent App. 18/160,677, 2023
Oil tea shell synthesized biochar adsorptive membrane utilization for the nitrate removal from aqueous media
T Mehmood, AU Khan, KPR Dandamudi, S Deng, MH Helal, HM Ali, ...
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Articles 1–20