Sven Friedemann
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Cited by
Detaching the antiferromagnetic quantum critical point from the Fermi-surface reconstruction in YbRh2Si2
S Friedemann, T Westerkamp, M Brando, N Oeschler, S Wirth, ...
Nature Physics 5 (7), 465-469, 2009
Fermi-surface collapse and dynamical scaling near a quantum-critical point
S Friedemann, N Oeschler, S Wirth, C Krellner, C Geibel, F Steglich, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (33), 14547-14551, 2010
Incoherent transport across the strange-metal regime of overdoped cuprates
J Ayres, M Berben, M Čulo, YT Hsu, E van Heumen, Y Huang, J Zaanen, ...
Nature 595 (7869), 661-666, 2021
Thermal and electrical transport across a magnetic quantum critical point
H Pfau, S Hartmann, U Stockert, P Sun, S Lausberg, M Brando, ...
Nature 484 (7395), 493-497, 2012
Interplay between Kondo Suppression and Lifshitz Transitions <?format ?>in at High Magnetic Fields
H Pfau, R Daou, S Lausberg, HR Naren, M Brando, S Friedemann, ...
Physical review letters 110 (25), 256403, 2013
Excitonic and lattice contributions to the charge density wave in revealed by a phonon bottleneck
H Hedayat, CJ Sayers, D Bugini, C Dallera, D Wolverson, T Batten, ...
Physical Review Research 1 (2), 023029, 2019
Quantum tricritical points in NbFe2
S Friedemann, WJ Duncan, M Hirschberger, TW Bauer, R Küchler, ...
Nature Physics 14 (1), 62-67, 2018
Evolution of the Kondo lattice and non-Fermi liquid excitations in a heavy-fermion metal
S Seiro, L Jiao, S Kirchner, S Hartmann, S Friedemann, C Krellner, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 3324, 2018
Hall effect measurements and electronic structure calculations on and its reference compounds and
S Friedemann, S Wirth, N Oeschler, C Krellner, C Geibel, F Steglich, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (3), 035103, 2010
Fermi Surface Reconstruction and Electron Dynamics at the Charge-Density-Wave Transition in
P Knowles, B Yang, T Muramatsu, O Moulding, J Buhot, CJ Sayers, ...
Physical Review Letters 124 (16), 167602, 2020
Hall effect in heavy fermion metals
S Nair, S Wirth, S Friedemann, F Steglich, Q Si, AJ Schofield
Advances in physics 61 (5), 583-664, 2012
Large Fermi Surface of Heavy Electrons at the Border of Mott Insulating State in NiS2
S Friedemann, H Chang, MB Gamża, P Reiss, X Chen, P Alireza, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 25335, 2016
Cascade of Magnetic-Field-Induced Lifshitz Transitions in the Ferromagnetic Kondo Lattice Material
H Pfau, R Daou, S Friedemann, S Karbassi, S Ghannadzadeh, R Küchler, ...
Physical review letters 119 (12), 126402, 2017
Magnetism, f-electron localization and superconductivity in 122-type heavy-fermion metals
F Steglich, J Arndt, O Stockert, S Friedemann, M Brando, C Klingner, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (29), 294201, 2012
Evidence of a Kondo Destroying Quantum Critical Point in YbRh2Si2
F Steglich, H Pfau, S Lausberg, S Hamann, P Sun, U Stockert, M Brando, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 83 (6), 061001, 2014
Ordinary and intrinsic anomalous Hall effects in NbFe
S Friedemann, M Brando, WJ Duncan, A Neubauer, C Pfleiderer, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (2), 024410, 2013
Kondo destruction in heavy fermion quantum criticality and the photoemission spectrum of YbRh2Si2
S Paschen, S Friedemann, S Wirth, F Steglich, S Kirchner, Q Si
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 400, 17-22, 2016
Interplay between unconventional superconductivity and heavy-fermion quantum criticality: CeCu2Si2 versus YbRh2Si2
M Smidman, O Stockert, J Arndt, GM Pang, L Jiao, HQ Yuan, HA Vieyra, ...
Philosophical Magazine 98 (32), 2930-2963, 2018
Superconductivity versus quantum criticality: what can we learn from heavy fermions?
F Steglich, J Arndt, S Friedemann, C Krellner, Y Tokiwa, T Westerkamp, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (16), 164202, 2010
Clean-limit superconductivity in synthesized from sulfur and hydrogen donor ammonia borane
I Osmond, O Moulding, S Cross, T Muramatsu, A Brooks, O Lord, ...
Physical Review B 105 (22), L220502, 2022
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