Faran Qureshi
Cited by
Cited by
Experimental implementation of frequency regulation services using commercial buildings
L Fabietti, TT Gorecki, FA Qureshi, A Bitlislioğlu, I Lymperopoulos, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (3), 1657-1666, 2016
OpenBuild: An integrated simulation environment for building control
TT Gorecki, FA Qureshi, CN Jones
2015 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 1522-1527, 2015
Hierarchical control of building HVAC system for ancillary services provision
FA Qureshi, CN Jones
Energy and Buildings 169, 216-227, 2018
Experimental demonstration of buildings providing frequency regulation services in the Swiss market
TT Gorecki, L Fabietti, FA Qureshi, CN Jones
Energy and Buildings 144, 229-240, 2017
Ancillary services provision utilizing a network of fast-charging stations for electrical buses
I Lymperopoulos, FA Qureshi, A Bitlislioglu, J Poland, A Zanarini, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (1), 665-672, 2019
Economic advantages of office buildings providing ancillary services with intraday participation
FA Qureshi, I Lymperopoulos, AA Khatir, CN Jones
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (4), 3443-3452, 2016
Model predictive control for market-based demand response participation
FA Qureshi, TT Gorecki, CN Jones
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 11153-11158, 2014
Providing ancillary service with commercial buildings: The Swiss perspective
I Lymperopoulos, FA Qureshi, T Nghiem, AA Khatir, CN Jones
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (8), 6-13, 2015
Multi-time scale coordination of complementary resources for the provision of ancillary services
L Fabietti, FA Qureshi, TT Gorecki, C Salzmann, CN Jones
Applied energy 229, 1164-1180, 2018
A demand response-based solution to overloading in underdeveloped distribution networks
M Jibran, HA Nasir, FA Qureshi, U Ali, C Jones, I Mahmood
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (5), 4059-4067, 2021
A real-time control system architecture for industrial power amplifiers
FA Qureshi, V Spinu, K Wijnands, M Lazar
2013 American Control Conference, 4510-4515, 2013
OpenBuildNet framework for distributed co-simulation of smart energy systems
TX Nghiem, A Bitlislioğlu, T Gorecki, FA Qureshi, CN Jones
2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and …, 2016
A Demand Response Framework to Overcome Network Overloading in Power Distribution Networks
M Jibran, HA Nasir, F Qureshi, U Ali, C Jones
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 13339-13344, 2020
Predictive control of buildings for demand response and ancillary services provision
FA Qureshi
EPFL, 2017
Control of Smart Buildings and Utility-Scale Batteries Enabling 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy
FA Qureshi, JS Shamma
2021 European Control Conference (ECC), 2555-2560, 2021
System and method for operating a combination of heterogeneous energy resources for fast grid services
C Jones, I Lymperopoulos, T Gorecki, L Fabietti, F Qureshi
A Alessandretti, JP Allamaa, M Amrhein, J Billeter, A Bitlislioglu, ...
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Articles 1–17