Andrea Nevedal
Andrea Nevedal
VA Center for Clinical Management Research
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Rapid versus traditional qualitative analysis using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR)
AL Nevedal, CM Reardon, MA Opra Widerquist, GL Jackson, SL Cutrona, ...
Implementation Science 16 (1), 67, 2021
What do we know about older adults and HIV? A review of social and behavioral literature
A Sankar, A Nevedal, S Neufeld, R Berry, M Luborsky
AIDS care 23 (10), 1187-1207, 2011
Redesigning cancer care delivery: views from patients and caregivers
MI Patel, VS Periyakoil, DW Blayney, D Moore, A Nevedal, S Asch, ...
Journal of Oncology Practice 13 (4), e291-e302, 2017
Women's experiences of living with neurogenic bladder and bowel after spinal cord injury: life controlled by bladder and bowel
A Nevedal, AL Kratz, DG Tate
Disability and rehabilitation 38 (6), 573-581, 2016
A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis Review of Longitudinal Qualitative Research in Gerontology
A Nevedal, L Ayalon, S Briller
The Gerontologist, 2018
Military experience can influence Women's eating habits
JY Breland, R Donalson, A Nevedal, JV Dinh, S Maguen
Appetite 118, 161-167, 2017
Multifaceted academic detailing program to increase pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorder: interrupted time series evaluation of effectiveness
AHS Harris, T Bowe, H Hagedorn, A Nevedal, AK Finlay, R Gidwani, ...
Addiction science & clinical practice 11, 1-7, 2016
A qualitative study of primary care providers’ experiences with the Veterans Choice Program
AL Nevedal, TH Wagner, LS Ellerbe, SM Asch, CJ Koenig
Journal of General Internal Medicine 34, 598-603, 2019
Observational study of the downstream consequences of inappropriate MRI of the lumbar spine
JC Jacobs, JG Jarvik, R Chou, D Boothroyd, J Lo, A Nevedal, PG Barnett
Journal of general internal medicine 35, 3605-3612, 2020
Delivering end-of-life cancer care: perspectives of providers
MI Patel, VS Periyakoil, D Moore, A Nevedal, TR Coker
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine® 35 (3), 497-504, 2018
“It's up to you and God”: understanding health behavior change in older African American survivors of colorectal cancer
FWK Harper, A Nevedal, S Eggly, C Francis, K Schwartz, TL Albrecht
Translational behavioral medicine 3 (1), 94-103, 2013
The availability and utility of services to address risk factors for recidivism among justice-involved veterans
DM Blonigen, AL Rodriguez, L Manfredi, J Britt, A Nevedal, AK Finlay, ...
Criminal Justice Policy Review 28 (8), 790-813, 2017
The Significance of Sexuality and Intimacy in the Lives of Older African Americans With HIV/AIDS
A Nevedal, A Sankar
The Gerontologist, 2015
The appropriate provision of primary versus specialist palliative care to cancer patients: Oncologists' perspectives
R Gidwani, A Nevedal, M Patel, DW Blayney, C Timko, K Ramchandran, ...
Journal of palliative medicine 20 (4), 395-403, 2017
Patient perspectives on an opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution program in the US Department of Veterans Affairs
EM Oliva, A Nevedal, ET Lewis, MD McCaa, MF Cochran, PE Konicki, ...
Substance Abuse 37 (1), 118-126, 2016
Implementation and sustainment of diverse practices in a large integrated health system: a mixed methods study
AL Nevedal, CM Reardon, GL Jackson, SL Cutrona, B White, AL Gifford, ...
Implementation science communications 1, 1-13, 2020
Comparing the barriers and facilitators of heart failure management as perceived by patients, caregivers, and clinical providers
RB Trivedi, C Slightam, A Nevedal, TC Guetterman, VS Fan, KM Nelson, ...
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 34 (5), 399-409, 2019
Use of an emergency manual during an intraoperative cardiac arrest by an interprofessional team: a positive-exemplar case study of a new patient safety tool
SB Merrell, DM Gaba, AV Agarwala, JB Cooper, AL Nevedal, SM Asch, ...
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 44 (8), 477-484, 2018
Patient and provider perspectives on the development of personalized medicine: a mixed-methods approach
L Puryear, N Downs, A Nevedal, ET Lewis, KE Ormond, M Bregendahl, ...
Journal of community genetics 9, 283-291, 2018
Cognitive–behavioral treatments for criminogenic thinking: Barriers and facilitators to implementation within the Veterans Health Administration.
DM Blonigen, AL Rodriguez, L Manfredi, A Nevedal, J Rosenthal, ...
Psychological Services 15 (1), 87, 2018
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Articles 1–20