Li Zhang
Li Zhang
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Cited by
Improving the scalability of data center networks with traffic-aware virtual machine placement
X Meng, V Pappas, L Zhang
2010 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1-9, 2010
Efficient resource provisioning in compute clouds via vm multiplexing
X Meng, C Isci, J Kephart, L Zhang, E Bouillet, D Pendarakis
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Autonomic computing, 11-20, 2010
Consolidating virtual machines with dynamic bandwidth demand in data centers
M Wang, X Meng, L Zhang
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 71-75, 2011
Placement of virtual machines based on server cost and network cost
DM Freimuth, X Meng, V Pappas, L Zhang
US Patent 8,478,878, 2013
Maptask scheduling in mapreduce with data locality: Throughput and heavy-traffic optimality
W Wang, K Zhu, L Ying, J Tan, L Zhang
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 24 (1), 190-203, 2014
Energy-aware autonomic resource allocation in multitier virtualized environments
D Ardagna, B Panicucci, M Trubian, L Zhang
IEEE transactions on services computing 5 (1), 2-19, 2010
Clock synchronization algorithms for network measurements
L Zhang, Z Liu, CH Xia
Proceedings. Twenty-First Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2002
Sparkbench: a comprehensive benchmarking suite for in memory data analytic platform spark
M Li, J Tan, Y Wang, L Zhang, V Salapura
Proceedings of the 12th ACM international conference on computing frontiers, 1-8, 2015
A smart hill-climbing algorithm for application server configuration
B Xi, Z Liu, M Raghavachari, CH Xia, L Zhang
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on World Wide Web, 287-296, 2004
Analysis and characterization of large‐scale Web server access patterns and performance
AK Iyengar, MS Squillante, L Zhang
World Wide Web 2, 85-100, 1999
Mronline: Mapreduce online performance tuning
M Li, L Zeng, S Meng, J Tan, L Zhang, AR Butt, N Fuller
Proceedings of the 23rd international symposium on High-performance parallel …, 2014
SLA based profit optimization in autonomic computing systems
L Zhang, D Ardagna
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Service oriented …, 2004
Adaptive, model-driven autoscaling for cloud applications
A Gandhi, P Dube, A Karve, A Kochut, L Zhang
11th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 14), 57-64, 2014
Resource aware scheduling in a distributed computing environment
X Meng, J Tan, L Zhang
US Patent 9,201,690, 2015
SLA based resource allocation policies in autonomic environments
D Ardagna, M Trubian, L Zhang
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 67 (3), 259-270, 2007
Clustering algorithms for content-based publication-subscription systems
A Riabov, Z Liu, JL Wolf, PS Yu, L Zhang
Proceedings 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2002
Rstar: An rdf storage and query system for enterprise resource management
L Ma, Z Su, Y Pan, L Zhang, T Liu
Proceedings of the thirteenth ACM international conference on Information …, 2004
Delay tails in MapReduce scheduling
J Tan, X Meng, L Zhang
Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE joint international …, 2012
Coupling task progress for mapreduce resource-aware scheduling
J Tan, X Meng, L Zhang
2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1618-1626, 2013
A hierarchical approach for the resource management of very large cloud platforms
B Addis, D Ardagna, B Panicucci, MS Squillante, L Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 10 (5), 253-272, 2013
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Articles 1–20