Mirza Rustum Baig
Mirza Rustum Baig
BDS, MDS, FDSRCSEd, FDSRCPS, MRDPros, GCHE. College of Dentistry, Kuwait University
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Evaluation of the marginal fit of a zirconia ceramic computer-aided machined (CAM) crown system
MR Baig, KBC Tan, JI Nicholls
The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 104 (4), 216-227, 2010
Effects of smoking on the outcome of implant treatment: a literature review
MR Baig, M Rajan
Indian Journal of Dental Research 18 (4), 190-195, 2007
Evaluation of accuracy of multiple dental implant impressions using various splinting materials.
R Hariharan, C Shankar, M Rajan, MR Baig, NS Azhagarasan
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 25 (1), 2010
Accuracy of impressions of multiple implants in the edentulous arch: a systematic review
MR Baig
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 29 (4), 869-880, 2014
Multi-unit implant impression accuracy: a review of literature
MR Baig
Quintessence International 45 (1), 39-51, 2014
Evaluation of accuracy of complete arch multiple-unit abutment-level dental implant impressions using different impression and splinting materials
MM Buzayan, MR Baig, N Yunus
The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 28 (6), 1512-1520, 2013
Implant placement in extraction sockets: A short review of the literature and presentation of a series of three cases
K Ataullah, LF Chee, LL Peng, CY Tho, WCS Wei, MR Baig
Journal of Oral Implantology 34 (2), 97-106, 2008
Patient based and clinical outcomes of implant telescopic attachment- retained mandibular overdentures: A 1-year longitudinal prospective study
N Yunus, R Saub, TB Taiyeb-Ali, N Md Salleh, MR Baig
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants, 2014
Marginal and internal fit of porcelain laminate veneers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
MR Baig, SSB Qasim, JK Baskaradoss
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2022
Edentulous arch treatment with a CAD/CAM screw-retained framework and cemented crowns: a clinical case report
MR Baig, G Rajan, M Rajan
Journal of Oral Implantology 35 (6), 295-299, 2009
Accuracy of a new elastomeric impression material for complete arch dental implant impressions
MR Baig, M Buzayan, N Yunus
Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry, 2018
Evaluation of Marginal/Internal Fit and Fracture load of Monolithic Zirconia and Zirconia Lithium Silicate (ZLS) CAD/CAM Crown Systems
HA Sadeqi, MR Baig, M AlShammari
Materials 14 (21), 6346, 2021
Effect of Multiple Use of Impression Copings and Scanbodies on Implant Cast Accuracy
J Sawyers, MR Baig, B El Masoud
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 34 (4), 891- 898, 2019
Effect of operators’ experience and cement space on the marginal fit of an in-office digitally produced monolithic ceramic crown system
MR Baig, MA Gonzalez, A Kasim NH, A Kassim NL, F SM
Quintessence Int 47 (3), 181-91, 2016
Multi-implant impressions: To splint or not to splint: a critical review
MR Baig
International Journal of Prosthodontics 32 (1), 66-67, 2019
Evaluation of marginal and internal fit of a CAD/CAM monolithic zirconia‐reinforced lithium silicate porcelain laminate veneer system
MR Baig, AA Akbar, MY Sabti, Z Behbehani
Journal of Prosthodontics 31 (6), 502-511, 2022
Evaluation of the marginal fit of a CAD/CAM zirconia-based ceramic crown system
MR Baig, Y AlTarakemah, NH Abu Kasim, R Omar
International Journal of Prosthodontics, DOI: 10.11607/ijp.6654, 2020
Full-arch metal-resin cement-and screw-retained provisional restoration for immediately loaded implants
MR Baig, G Rajan
Journal of Oral Implantology 36 (3), 219-223, 2010
Peri-Implant Mucosal Response to Implant-Supported Overdentures - A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
J Baskaradoss, A Geevarghese, MR Baig
Gerodontology 38, 27-40, 2020
Effect of finish line design on the fit accuracy of CAD/CAM monolithic polymer-infiltrated ceramic-network fixed dental prostheses: an in vitro study
MR Baig, AA Akbar, M Embaireeg
Polymers 13 (24), 4311 DOI: 10.3390/polym13244311, 2021
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