Michele Palermo
Michele Palermo
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Hydraulic jump on rough bed of stream rehabilitation structures
S Pagliara, I Lotti, M Palermo
Journal of Hydro-environment research 2 (1), 29-38, 2008
Hydraulic jumps on rough and smooth beds: aggregate approach for horizontal and adverse-sloped beds
S Pagliara, M Palermo
Journal of Hydraulic Research 53 (2), 243-252, 2015
Rock grade control structures and stepped gabion weirs: Scour analysis and flow features
S Pagliara, M Palermo
Acta Geophysica 61 (1), 126-150, 2013
Energy dissipation on submerged block ramps
S Pagliara, R Das, M Palermo
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering 134 (4), 527-532, 2008
Scour control and surface sediment distribution downstream of block ramps
S Pagliara, M Palermo
Journal of Hydraulic Research 46 (3), 334-343, 2008
Scour and hydraulic jump downstream of block ramps in expanding stilling basins
S Pagliara, M Palermo, I Carnacina
Journal of Hydraulic Research 47 (4), 503-511, 2009
Temporal evolution of jet induced scour depth in cohesionless granular beds and the phenomenological theory of turbulence
FA Bombardelli, M Palermo, S Pagliara
Physics of Fluids 30 (8), 2018
Scour control downstream of block ramps
S Pagliara, M Palermo
Journal of Hydraulic engineering 134 (9), 1376-1382, 2008
Effect of stilling basin geometry on clear water scour morphology downstream of a block ramp
S Pagliara, M Palermo
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 137 (9), 593-601, 2011
Live-bed scour downstream of block ramps for low densimetric Froude numbers
S Pagliara, M Palermo, I Carnacina
International Journal of Sediment Research 27 (3), 337-350, 2012
Influence of tailwater depth and pile position on scour downstream of block ramps
S Pagliara, M Palermo
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 136 (2), 120-130, 2010
A numerical micro-mechanical study of the influence of fiber–matrix interphase failure on carbon/epoxy material properties
F Danzi, D Fanteria, E Panettieri, M Palermo
Composite Structures 159, 625-635, 2017
Block ramps in curved rivers: morphology analysis and prototype data supported design criteria for mild bed slopes
S Pagliara, A Radecki‐Pawlik, M Palermo, K Plesiński
River Research and Applications 33 (3), 427-437, 2017
Effect of stilling basin geometry on the dissipative process in presence of block ramps
S Pagliara, M Palermo
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 138 (11), 1027-1031, 2012
Hydraulic structures engineering: An evolving science in a changing world
S Erpicum, BM Crookston, F Bombardelli, DB Bung, S Felder, S Mulligan, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 8 (2), e1505, 2021
Expanding pools morphology in live-bed conditions
S Pagliara, M Palermo, I Carnacina
Acta Geophysica 59, 296-316, 2011
3D plunge pool scour with protection measures
S Pagliara, D Roy, M Palermo
Journal of Hydro-Environment Research 4 (3), 225-233, 2010
Theoretical approach for shear-stress estimation at 2D equilibrium scour holes in granular material due to subvertical plunging jets
M Palermo, S Pagliara, FA Bombardelli
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 146 (4), 04020009, 2020
Scour due to rock sills in straight and curved horizontal channels
S Pagliara, SM Kurdistani, M Palermo, D Simoni
Journal of Hydro-Environment Research 10, 12-20, 2016
Semi-theoretical approach for energy dissipation estimation at hydraulic jumps in rough sloped channels
M Palermo, S Pagliara
Journal of Hydraulic Research 56 (6), 786-795, 2018
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Articles 1–20