James John Mudd
James John Mudd
Diamond Light Source
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A facility for the analysis of the electronic structures of solids and their surfaces by synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy
M Hoesch, TK Kim, P Dudin, H Wang, S Scott, P Harris, S Patel, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (1), 2017
Valence-band density of states and surface electron accumulation in epitaxial films
SK Vasheghani Farahani, TD Veal, JJ Mudd, DO Scanlon, GW Watson, ...
Physical Review B 90 (15), 155413, 2014
Weak mismatch epitaxy and structural feedback in graphene growth on copper foil
NR Wilson, AJ Marsden, M Saghir, CJ Bromley, R Schaub, G Costantini, ...
Nano Research 6, 99-112, 2013
Optimization of a high work function solution processed vanadium oxide hole-extracting layer for small molecule and polymer organic photovoltaic cells
I Hancox, LA Rochford, D Clare, M Walker, JJ Mudd, P Sullivan, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (1), 49-57, 2013
van der Waals epitaxy of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride on copper foil: growth, crystallography and electronic band structure
GE Wood, AJ Marsden, JJ Mudd, M Walker, M Asensio, J Avila, K Chen, ...
2D Materials 2 (2), 025003, 2015
The spectroscopy village at diamond light source
S Diaz-Moreno, M Amboage, M Basham, R Boada, NE Bricknell, G Cibin, ...
Journal of synchrotron radiation 25 (4), 998-1009, 2018
Effect of oxygen and nitrogen functionalization on the physical and electronic structure of graphene
AJ Marsden, P Brommer, JJ Mudd, MA Dyson, R Cook, M Asensio, J Avila, ...
Nano Research 8, 2620-2635, 2015
Ambient-pressure endstation of the Versatile Soft X-ray (VerSoX) beamline at Diamond Light Source
G Held, F Venturini, DC Grinter, P Ferrer, R Arrigo, L Deacon, ...
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 27 (5), 1153-1166, 2020
Hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy as a probe of the intrinsic electronic properties of CdO
JJ Mudd, TL Lee, V Munoz-Sanjose, J Zuniga-Perez, D Hesp, JM Kahk, ...
Physical Review B 89 (3), 035203, 2014
Valence-band orbital character of CdO: A synchrotron-radiation photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory study
JJ Mudd, TL Lee, V Muñoz-Sanjosé, J Zuniga-Perez, DJ Payne, ...
Physical Review B 89 (16), 165305, 2014
Heteroepitaxial growth of ferromagnetic MnSb (0001) films on Ge/Si (111) virtual substrates
CW Burrows, A Dobbie, M Myronov, TPA Hase, SB Wilkins, M Walker, ...
Crystal growth & design 13 (11), 4923-4929, 2013
Optical absorption by dilute GaNSb alloys: Influence of N pair states
JJ Mudd, NJ Kybert, WM Linhart, L Buckle, T Ashley, PDC King, TS Jones, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (4), 2013
Identification of lone-pair surface states on indium oxide
DW Davies, A Walsh, JJ Mudd, CF McConville, A Regoutz, JM Kahk, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (3), 1700-1709, 2018
Growth and characterisation of NiSb (0001)/GaAs (111) B epitaxial films
JD Aldous, CW Burrows, I Maskery, M Brewer, D Pickup, M Walker, ...
Journal of crystal growth 357, 1-8, 2012
Low temperature removal of surface oxides and hydrocarbons from Ge (100) using atomic hydrogen
M Walker, MS Tedder, JD Palmer, JJ Mudd, CF McConville
Applied Surface Science 379, 1-7, 2016
Origin of the two-dimensional electron gas at the CdO (100) surface
PCJ Clark, AI Williamson, NK Lewis, R Ahumada-Lazo, M Silly, JJ Mudd, ...
Physical Review B 99 (8), 085433, 2019
Mapping developments at diamond
R Walton, AW Ashton, M Basham, PCY Chang, T Cobb, S da Graca, ...
Proc. ICALEPCS 2015, 2015
Pinning effect on the band gap modulation of crystalline Be x Zn 1− x O alloy films grown on Al 2 O 3 (0001)
DS Park, JJ Mudd, M Walker, A Krupski, D Seghier, NF Saniee, CJ Choi, ...
CrystEngComm 16 (11), 2136-2143, 2014
Recrystallization of Highly-Mismatched BexZn1–xO Alloys: Formation of a Degenerate Interface
DS Park, SK Vasheghani Farahani, M Walker, JJ Mudd, H Wang, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (21), 18758-18768, 2014
Surface electronic properties of In‐rich InGaN alloys grown by MOCVD
WM Linhart, Ö Tuna, TD Veal, JJ Mudd, C Giesen, M Heuken, ...
physica status solidi c 9 (3‐4), 662-665, 2012
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Articles 1–20