Joni M. Lakin
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Identifying academically gifted English-language learners using nonverbal tests: A comparison of the Raven, NNAT, and CogAT
DF Lohman, KA Korb, JM Lakin
Gifted Child Quarterly 52 (4), 275-296, 2008
Consistencies in sex differences on the Cognitive Abilities Test across countries, grades, test forms, and cohorts
DF Lohman, JM Lakin
British Journal of Educational Psychology 79 (2), 389-407, 2009
Intelligence and reasoning
DF Lohman, JM Lakin
The Cambridge handbook of intelligence, 419-441, 2011
Universal screening and the representation of historically underrepresented minority students in gifted education: Minding the gaps in Card and Giuliano’s research
JM Lakin
Journal of Advanced Academics 27 (2), 139-149, 2016
The commonality of extreme discrepancies in the ability profiles of academically gifted students
DF Lohman, J Gambrell, J Lakin
Psychology Science 50 (2), 269, 2008
The predictive accuracy of verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal reasoning tests: Consequences for talent identification and program diversity
JM Lakin, DF Lohman
Journal for the Education of the Gifted 34 (4), 595-623, 2011
Sex differences in reasoning abilities: surprising evidence that male–female ratios in the tails of the quantitative reasoning distribution have increased
JM Lakin
Intelligence 41 (4), 263-274, 2013
Spatially gifted, academically inconvenienced: Spatially talented students experience less academic engagement and more behavioural issues than other talented students
JM Lakin, J Wai
British Journal of Educational Psychology 90 (4), 1015-1038, 2020
Assessing dimensions of inquiry practice by middle school science teachers engaged in a professional development program
JM Lakin, CS Wallace
Journal of science teacher education 26 (2), 139-162, 2015
Making the cut in gifted selection: Score combination rules and their impact on program diversity
JM Lakin
Gifted Child Quarterly 62 (2), 210-219, 2018
Mainstream teachers’ implicit beliefs about English language learners: An implicit association test study of teacher beliefs
J Harrison, J Lakin
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 17 (2), 85-102, 2018
Investigating ESL students’ performance on outcomes assessments in higher education
JM Lakin, DC Elliott, OL Liu
Educational and Psychological Measurement 72 (5), 734-753, 2012
Nonverbal test scores as one component of an identification system: Integrating ability, achievement, and teacher ratings
DF Lohman, J Lakin
Alternative assessments with gifted and talented students, 41-66, 2021
STEMing the shock: Examining transfer shock and its impact on STEM major and enrollment persistence
JM Lakin, DC Elliott
Journal of the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition 28 (2), 9-31, 2016
Pre-service teachers' implicit and explicit beliefs about English language learners: An implicit association test study
J Harrison, J Lakin
Teaching and Teacher Education 72, 54-63, 2018
Am I an engineer yet? Perceptions of engineering and identity among first year students
JM Lakin, AH Wittig, EW Davis, VA Davis
European Journal of Engineering Education 45 (2), 214-231, 2020
Evaluating growth for ELL students: Implications for accountability policies
JM Lakin, JW Young
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 32 (3), 11-26, 2013
Assessing the cognitive abilities of culturally and linguistically diverse students: Predictive validity of verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal tests
JM Lakin
Psychology in the Schools 49 (8), 756-768, 2012
Finding the missing Einsteins: Expanding the breadth of cognitive and noncognitive measures used in academic services
J Wai, JM Lakin
Contemporary Educational Psychology 63, 101920, 2020
Running the STEM gauntlet: The complicity of four-year universities in the transfer penalty
DC Elliott, JM Lakin
Research in Higher Education 61, 540-565, 2020
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Articles 1–20