Javad Sadri, Ph.D.
Cited by
Cited by
Tourism recommendation system based on semantic clustering and sentiment analysis
Z Abbasi-Moud, H Vahdat-Nejad, J Sadri
Expert Systems with Applications 167, 114324, 2021
A novel comprehensive database for offline Persian handwriting recognition
J Sadri, MR Yeganehzad, J Saghi
Pattern Recognition 60, 378-393, 2016
Application of support vector machines for recognition of handwritten Arabic/Persian digits
J Sadri, CY Suen, TD Bui
Proceedings of Second Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image …, 2003
Restaurant recommender system based on sentiment analysis
E Asani, H Vahdat-Nejad, J Sadri
Machine Learning with Applications 6, 100114, 2021
An intelligent system for mineral identification in thin sections based on a cascade approach
H Izadi, J Sadri, M Bayati
Computers & Geosciences 99, 37-49, 2017
A genetic binary particle swarm optimization model
J Sadri, CY Suen
2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 656-663, 2006
A genetic framework using contextual knowledge for segmentation and recognition of handwritten numeral strings
J Sadri, CY Suen, TD Bui
Pattern Recognition 40 (3), 898-919, 2007
Wavelet-based gender detection on off-line handwritten documents using probabilistic finite state automata
Y Akbari, K Nouri, J Sadri, C Djeddi, I Siddiqi
Image and Vision Computing 59, 17-30, 2017
Experimental measurement and optimization of tensile residual stress in turning process of Inconel718 superalloy
F Jafarian, H Amirabadi, J Sadri
Measurement 63, 1-10, 2015
Standard databases for recognition of handwritten digits, numerical strings, legal amounts, letters and dates in Farsi language
F Solimanpour, J Sadri, CY Suen
Tenth International workshop on Frontiers in handwriting recognition, 2006
A new intelligent method for minerals segmentation in thin sections based on a novel incremental color clustering
H Izadi, J Sadri, NA Mehran
Computers & geosciences 81, 38-52, 2015
Simultaneous optimizing residual stress and surface roughness in turning of Inconel718 superalloy
F Jafarian, H Amirabadi, J Sadri, HR Banooie
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 29 (3), 337-343, 2014
Automatic segmentation of unconstrained handwritten numeral strings
J Sadri, CY Suen, TD Bui
Ninth International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 317-322, 2004
A new approach for skew correction of documents based on particle swarm optimization
J Sadri, M Cheriet
2009 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition …, 2009
A new clustering method for improving plasticity and stability in handwritten character recognition systems
J Sadri, CY Suen, TD Bui
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 2, 1130-1133, 2006
A novel database for automatic processing of Persian handwritten bank checks
Y Akbari, MJ Jalili, J Sadri, K Nouri, I Siddiqi, C Djeddi
Pattern Recognition 74, 253-265, 2018
Integration of finite element simulation and intelligent methods for evaluation of thermo-mechanical loads during hard turning process
F Jafarian, H Amirabadi, J Sadri
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2013
Altered mineral segmentation in thin sections using an incremental-dynamic clustering algorithm
H Izadi, J Sadri, F Hormozzade, V Fattahpour
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 90, 103466, 2020
Intelligent mineral identification using clustering and artificial neural networks techniques
H Izadi, J Sadri, NA Mehran
2013 First Iranian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis …, 2013
Gene clustering with hidden Markov model optimized by PSO algorithm
M Soruri, J Sadri, SH Zahiri
Pattern Analysis and Applications 21, 1121-1126, 2018
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Articles 1–20