Corentin Vande Kerckhove
Corentin Vande Kerckhove
LRIM/LSM - UCLouvain
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Cited by
Cited by
Modelling influence and opinion evolution in online collective behaviour
C Vande Kerckhove, S Martin, P Gend, PJ Rentfrow, JM Hendrickx, ...
PloS one, 2015
Ideological scaling of social media users: a dynamic lexicon approach
M Temporăo, CV Kerckhove, C van Der Linden, Y Dufresne, ...
Political Analysis 26 (4), 457-473, 2018
Retrospective assessment of the influence of gestational age on the first trimester medical abortion efficiency
M Thiebaut, A Firquet, A Pintiaux, V Kerckhove, M Nisolle
Revue Medicale de Liege 72 (4), 193-198, 2017
Markov modeling of online inter-arrival times
CV Kerckhove, B Gerencsér, JM Hendrickx, VD Blondel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.04857, 2015
Analyse de la performance d'un systčme de recommandation de vins pour un mets
M Hartman, A De Poorter, C Vande Kerckhove
Evaluating Consumer's Ability to Detect Biased Recommendation Agents
C Charles, C Ducarroz, C Vande Kerckhove
AMS Annual Conference, 2025
PI-adaptDiv: an adaptive algorithm to prevent and escape filter bubbles
C Timmers, C Vande Kerckhove
The role of claims in misinformation detection
C van der Linden, D Abul-Fottouh, H Mailhot, C Timmers, ...
120th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2024
Extracting the low-coverage juice: exploiting information of alternative data with high missing ratio for financial forecasting
A Tytgat, C Vande Kerckhove, M Cucuringu, E Bregasi, A Peek, ...
Workshop on Complex Networks in Banking and Finance, 2024
Evaluating the experience when interacting with immersive technologies: triangulation of EEG data and self-reported measures
Q Sellier, I Poncin, C Vande Kerckhove, J Vanderdonckt
From performance to fairness-awareness: Morality in organization's use of AI
F Vancompernolle Vromman, C Vande Kerckhove, C Hericher
Data Science for Modeling Opinion Dynamics on Social Media
CV Kerckhove
Université catholique de Louvain, 2017
Data science for modeling opinion dynamics on social media
C Vande Kerckhove
UCL-Université Catholique de Louvain, 2017
The unpredictability of human opinion dynamics
CV Kerckhove, S Martin, P Gend, JM Hendrickx
International Conference on Computational Social Science, IC2S2 2016, 2016
Ideological scaling of social networks' users
C Vande Kerckhove, M Temporăo, Y Dufresne
ICCSS 2016, 2016
Unspoken Thoughts: Uncovering Political Ideologies Using Social Networks' Traces
C Vande Kerckhove, M Temporăo, Y Dufresne
NS16, 2016
The unpredictability of human opinion dynamics
C Vande Kerckhove, S Martin, P Gend, J Hendrickx
ICCSS 2016, 2016
Transforming a University Course into a Two-public Sustainable MOOC
S Combéfis, CV Kerckhove, P Van Roy
HybridEd Workshop on MOOC-based Models for Hybrid Pedagogies, 2015
Modeling influence and opinion evolution in online collective behavior
VDB Samuel Martin, Corentin Vande Kerckhove, Pascal Gend, Peter J. Rentfrow ...
International Conference on Computational Social Science (ICCSS), 2, 2015
Stability of Xpert MTB RIF reagents in sub-optimal storage conditions. Evaluation based on three year's experience in the DRC
C Vande Kerckhove, E André
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 19, S206, 2015
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Articles 1–20