Bui Thi Thanh Xuan
Bui Thi Thanh Xuan
Thuyloi university
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Cited by
Stochastic bounds for inference in topic models
X Bui, T Vu, K Than
Advances in Information and Communication Technology: Proceedings of the …, 2017
MAP estimation with Bernoulli randomness, and its application to text analysis and recommender systems
X Bui, H Vu, O Nguyen, K Than
IEEE Access 8, 127818-127833, 2020
GS-OPT: A new fast stochastic algorithm for solving the non-convex optimization problem
X Bui, N Duong, T Hoang
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 9 (2), 183-192, 2020
How to make a machine learn continuously: a tutorial of the Bayesian approach
K Than, X Bui, T Nguyen-Trong, K Truong, S Nguyen, B Tran, LN Van, ...
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations …, 2019
A stochastic algorithm for solving the posterior inference problem in topic models
HQ Trung, X Bui
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 20 (5), 971-978, 2022
A Flexible Stochastic Method for Solving the MAP Problem in Topic Models
T Vu, X Bui, K Than, R Ichise
Computación y Sistemas 22 (4), 1317-1327, 2018
Some Methods for Posterior Inference in Topic Models
X Bui, T Vu, K Than
Journal of Research and Development on Information and Communication Technology, 2018
A Fast Algorithm for Posterior Inference with Latent Dirichlet Allocation
K Than, A Takasu, B Thi-Thanh-Xuan, V Van-Tu
(No Title), 2018
A Fast Algorithm for Posterior Inference with Latent Dirichlet Allocation
B Thi-Thanh-Xuan, V Van-Tu, A Takasu, K Than
Intelligent Information and Database Systems: 10th Asian Conference, ACIIDS …, 2018
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Articles 1–9