gaetano Distefano
gaetano Distefano
DISPA sezione Arboricoltura
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Enhanced resistance to Phoma tracheiphila and Botrytis cinerea in transgenic lemon plants expressing a Trichoderma harzianum chitinase gene
A Gentile, Z Deng, S La Malfa, G Distefano, F Domina, A Vitale, G Polizzi, ...
Plant Breeding 126 (2), 146-151, 2007
Defence-related gene expression in transgenic lemon plants producing an antimicrobial Trichoderma harzianum endochitinase during fungal infection
G Distefano, S La Malfa, A Vitale, M Lorito, Z Deng, A Gentile
Transgenic research 17, 873-879, 2008
High resolution melting analysis is a more sensitive and effective alternative to gel-based platforms in analysis of SSR–an example in citrus
G Distefano, M Caruso, S La Malfa, A Gentile, SB Wu
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e44202, 2012
New microsatellite loci for pomegranate, Punica granatum (Lythraceae)
S Currò, M Caruso, G Distefano, A Gentile, S La Malfa
American journal of botany 97 (7), e58-e60, 2010
Male–female interaction and temperature variation affect pollen performance in Citrus
G Distefano, A Hedhly, G Las Casas, S La Malfa, M Herrero, A Gentile
Scientia Horticulturae 140, 1-7, 2012
Histological and molecular analysis of pollen–pistil interaction in clementine
G Distefano, M Caruso, S La Malfa, A Gentile, E Tribulato
Plant cell reports 28, 1439-1451, 2009
Influence of different rootstocks on yield precocity and fruit quality of ‘Tarocco Scirè’pigmented sweet orange
A Continella, C Pannitteri, S La Malfa, P Legua, G Distefano, E Nicolosi, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 230, 62-67, 2018
Comparative transcriptome analysis of stylar canal cells identifies novel candidate genes implicated in the self-incompatibility response of Citrus clementina
M Caruso, P Merelo, G Distefano, S La Malfa, AR Lo Piero, FR Tadeo, ...
BMC plant biology 12, 1-18, 2012
Pollen tube behavior in different mandarin hybrids
G Distefano, G Las Casas, S La Malfa, A Gentile, E Tribulato, M Herrero
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 134 (6), 583-588, 2009
EST-SNP genotyping of citrus species using high-resolution melting curve analysis
G Distefano, S La Malfa, A Gentile, SB Wu
Tree genetics & genomes 9, 1271-1281, 2013
Physiological and molecular analysis of the maturation process in fruits of clementine mandarin and one of its late-ripening mutants
G Distefano, G Las Casas, M Caruso, A Todaro, P Rapisarda, S La Malfa, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57 (17), 7974-7982, 2009
Recent advances of in vitro culture for the application of new breeding techniques in citrus
L Poles, C Licciardello, G Distefano, E Nicolosi, A Gentile, S La Malfa
Plants 9 (8), 938, 2020
Scion–rootstock interactions influence the growth and behaviour of the grapevine root system in a heavy clay soil
F Ferlito, G Distefano, A Gentile, M Allegra, AN Lakso, E Nicolosi
Australian journal of grape and wine research 26 (1), 68-78, 2020
Pollen–pistil interactions and early fruiting in parthenocarpic citrus
G Distefano, A Gentile, M Herrero
Annals of Botany 108 (3), 499-509, 2011
Sweet Orange: Evolution, characterization, varieties, and breeding perspectives
S Seminara, S Bennici, M Di Guardo, M Caruso, A Gentile, S La Malfa, ...
Agriculture 13 (2), 264, 2023
Temperatures during flower bud development affect pollen germination, self‐incompatibility reaction and early fruit development of clementine (Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.)
G Distefano, A Gentile, A Hedhly, S La Malfa
Plant Biology 20 (2), 191-198, 2018
Genetic structure analysis and selection of a core collection for carob tree germplasm conservation and management
M Di Guardo, F Scollo, A Ninot, M Rovira, JF Hermoso, G Distefano, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 15 (3), 41, 2019
Polyamines and transglutaminase activity are involved in compatible and self-incompatible pollination of Citrus grandis
A Gentile, F Antognoni, RA Iorio, G Distefano, G Las Casas, S La Malfa, ...
Amino Acids 42, 1025-1035, 2012
Altered sensitivity to ethylene in ‘Tardivo’, a late‐ripening mutant of Clementine mandarin
E Alós, G Distefano, MJ Rodrigo, A Gentile, L Zacarías
Physiologia plantarum 151 (4), 507-521, 2014
The haplotype-resolved reference genome of lemon (Citrus limon L. Burm f.)
DG Mario, M Marco, M Mirko, C Chiara, T Michela, D Ziniu, C Alessandro, ...
Tree genetics & genomes 17, 1-12, 2021
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