Alfredo Goldman
Alfredo Goldman
Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of São Paulo
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InteGrade: object‐oriented Grid middleware leveraging the idle computing power of desktop machines
A Goldchleger, F Kon, A Goldman, M Finger, GC Bezerra
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 16 (5), 449-459, 2004
A comprehensive view of Hadoop research—A systematic literature review
I Polato, R Ré, A Goldman, F Kon
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 46, 1-25, 2014
Fostering effective inter-team knowledge sharing in agile software development
V Santos, A Goldman, CRB De Souza
Empirical Software Engineering 20, 1006-1051, 2015
Scheduling in distributed systems: A cloud computing perspective
LF Bittencourt, A Goldman, ERM Madeira, NLS da Fonseca, R Sakellariou
Computer science review 30, 31-54, 2018
A model of requirements engineering in software startups
J Melegati, A Goldman, F Kon, X Wang
Information and software technology 109, 92-107, 2019
The evolution of agile software development in Brazil: Education, research, and the state-of-the-practice
C de O. Melo, V Santos, E Katayama, H Corbucci, R Prikladnicki, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 19, 523-552, 2013
Agile ways of working: a team maturity perspective
L Gren, A Goldman, C Jacobsson
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 32 (6), e2244, 2020
Performance evaluation of dynamic networks using an evolving graph combinatorial model
J Monteiro, A Goldman, A Ferreira
2006 IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2006
A comparison of GPU execution time prediction using machine learning and analytical modeling
M Amarís, RY de Camargo, M Dyab, A Goldman, D Trystram
2016 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications …, 2016
Being extreme in the classroom: Experiences teaching XP
A Goldman, F Kon, PJS Silva, JW Yoder
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 10, 4-20, 2004
Performance evaluation of routing protocols for MANETs with known connectivity patterns using evolving graphs
A Ferreira, A Goldman, J Monteiro
Wireless Networks 16 (3), 627-640, 2010
Apache Hadoop: conceitos teóricos e práticos, evolução e novas possibilidades
A Goldman, F Kon, FP Junior, I Polato, R de Fátima Pereira
XXXI Jornadas de atualizaçoes em informatica, 88-136, 2012
GEDAE-LaB: a free software to calculate the energy system contributions during exercise
R Bertuzzi, J Melegati, S Bueno, T Ghiarone, LA Pasqua, AF Gáspari, ...
PloS one 11 (1), e0145733, 2016
Interscity: Addressing future internet research challenges for smart cities
DM Batista, A Goldman, R Hirata, F Kon, FM Costa, M Endler
2016 7th International Conference on the Network of the Future (NOF), 1-6, 2016
Experiences tracking agile projects: an empirical study
D Sato, D Bassi, M Bravo, A Goldman, F Kon
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 12, 45-64, 2006
Requirements engineering in software startups: A grounded theory approach
J Melegati, A Goldman
2016 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation/IEEE …, 2016
Checkpointing-based rollback recovery for parallel applications on the integrade grid middleware
RY de Camargo, A Goldchleger, F Kon, A Goldman
Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Middleware for grid computing, 35-40, 2004
Tracking the evolution of object-oriented quality metrics on agile projects
D Sato, A Goldman, F Kon
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 8th …, 2007
A simple BSP-based model to predict execution time in GPU applications
M Amaris, D Cordeiro, A Goldman, RY De Camargo
2015 IEEE 22nd International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC …, 2015
MobiGrid: Framework for mobile agents on computer grid environments
RM Barbosa, A Goldman
International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications …, 2004
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Articles 1–20