Jens Bornemann
Jens Bornemann
Other namesProfessor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus, University of Victoria, LFIEEE
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Waveguide components for antenna feed systems: Theory and CAD
J Uher, J Bornemann, U Rosenberg
Artech house, 1993
Adaptive synthesis and design of resonator filters with source/load-multiresonator coupling
S Amari, U Rosenberg, J Bornemann
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 50 (8), 1969-1978, 2002
Coupling-matrix design of dual and triple passband filters
M Mokhtaari, J Bornemann, K Rambabu, S Amari
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 54 (11), 3940-3946, 2006
A Novel Frequency-Selective Power Combiner/Divider in Single-Layer Substrate Integrated Waveguide Technology
U Rosenberg, M Salehi, J Bornemann, E Mehrshahi
IEEE Microwave Wireless Components Letters 23 (8), 406-408, 2013
Compact single-channel rotary joint using ridged waveguide sections for phase adjustment
K Rambabu, J Bornemann
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 51 (8), 1982-1986, 2003
Ridge waveguide polarizer with finite and stepped-thickness septum
J Bornemann, VA Labay
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 43 (8), 1782-1787, 1995
Design of a Reconfigurable MIMO System for THz Communications Based on Graphene Antennas
Z Xu, X Dong, J Bornemann
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 4 (5), 609-617, 2014
Short-Term Operation Scheduling in Renewable-Powered Microgrids: A Duality-Based Approach
B Zhao, Y Shi, X Dong, W Luan, J Bornemann
IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy 5 (1), 209-217, 2014
Optimized waveguide E-plane metal insert filters for millimeter-wave applications
R Vahldieck, J Bornemann, F Arndt, D Grauerholz
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 31 (1), 65-69, 1983
Designing the Width of Substrate Integrated Waveguide Structures
Z Kordiboroujeni, J Bornemann
IEEE Microwave Wireless Components Letters 23, 518-520, 2013
Singlets, cascaded singlets, and the nonresonating node model for advanced modular design of elliptic filters
S Amari, U Rosenberg, J Bornemann
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 14 (5), 237-239, 2004
New Wideband Transition From Microstrip Line to Substrate Integrated Waveguide
Z Kordiboroujeni, J Bornemann
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 62 (12), 2014
Low-Cost and High-Efficient W-Band Substrate Integrated Waveguide Antenna Array Made of Printed Circuit Board Process
N Ghassemi, K Wu, S Claude, X Zhang, J Bornemann
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 60 (3), 1648-1653, 2012
Using frequency-dependent coupling to generate finite attenuation poles in direct-coupled resonator bandpass filters
S Amari, J Bornemann
IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters 9 (10), 404-406, 1999
Inline TM 110-mode filters with high-design flexibility by utilizing bypass couplings of nonresonating TE 10 01/modes
U Rosenberg, S Amari, J Bornemann
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 51 (6), 1735-1742, 2003
Broadband CPW Feed for Millimeter-Wave SIW-Based Antipodal Linearly Tapered Slot Antennas
F Taringou, D Dousset, J Bornemann, K Wu
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 61 (4), 1756-1762, 2013
Theory and design of low-insertion loss fin-line filters
F Arndt, J Bornemann, D Grauerholz, R Vahldieck
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 30 (2), 155-163, 1982
Service Restoration for a Renewable-Powered Microgrid in Unscheduled Island Mode
B Zhao, X Dong, J Bornemann
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 9 (3), 1128-1136, 2015
Modal-S-matrix design of optimum stepped ridged and finned waveguide transformers
J Bornemann, F Arndt
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 35 (6), 561-567, 1987
Matrix singular value decomposition for pole-free solutions of homogeneous matrix equations as applied to numerical modeling methods
V Labay, J Bornemann
IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters 2 (2), 49-51, 1992
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Articles 1–20