Olaf Witkowski
Olaf Witkowski
Cross Labs | University of Tokyo | Tokyo Institute of Technology | Institute for Advanced Study
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Clipdraw: Exploring text-to-drawing synthesis through language-image encoders
K Frans, L Soros, O Witkowski
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 5207-5218, 2022
Cross-subject EEG-based emotion recognition through neural networks with stratified normalization
J Fdez, N Guttenberg, O Witkowski, A Pasquali
Frontiers in neuroscience 15, 626277, 2021
Permutation-equivariant neural networks applied to dynamics prediction
N Guttenberg, N Virgo, O Witkowski, H Aoki, R Kanai
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.04530, 2016
A strategy for origins of life research
C Scharf, N Virgo, HJ Cleaves, M Aono, N Aubert-Kato, A Aydinoglu, ...
Astrobiology 15 (12), 1031-1042, 2015
Emergence of swarming behavior: foraging agents evolve collective motion based on signaling
O Witkowski, T Ikegami
PloS one 11 (4), e0152756, 2016
Hidden concepts in the history and philosophy of origins-of-life studies: A workshop report
C Mariscal, A Barahona, N Aubert-Kato, AU Aydinoglu, S Bartlett, ...
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 49, 111-145, 2019
Biology, Buddhism, and AI: Care as the Driver of Intelligence
T Doctor, O Witkowski, E Solomonova, B Duane, M Levin
MindRxiv, 2022
How to Make Swarms Open-Ended? Evolving Collective Intelligence Through a Constricted Exploration of Adjacent Possibles
O Witkowski, T Ikegami
Artificial Life 25 (2), 178-197, 2019
How to Make Swarms Open-Ended? Evolving Collective Intelligence Through a Constricted Exploration of Adjacent Possibles
O Witkowski, T Ikegami
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.08228, 2019
The integrated structure of consciousness: phenomenal content, subjective attitude, and noetic complex
K Miyahara, O Witkowski
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (4), 731-758, 2019
Hybrid Life: Integrating biological, artificial, and cognitive systems
M Baltieri, H Iizuka, O Witkowski, L Sinapayen, K Suzuki
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 14 (6), e1662, 2023
Toward an ethics of autopoietic technology: Stress, care, and intelligence
O Witkowski, T Doctor, E Solomonova, B Duane, M Levin
Biosystems 231, 104964, 2023
Asynchronous Evolution: Emergence of Signal-Based Swarming
O Witkowski, T Ikegami
ALIFE 14: The Fourteenth Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of …, 2014
Human-Collaborative Artificial Intelligence Along With Social Values in Industry 5.0: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art
M Khosravy, N Gupta, A Pasquali, N Dey, RG Crespo, O Witkowski
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2023
Autopoiesis: Foundations of life, cognition, and emergence of self/other
P Stano, C Nehaniv, T Ikegami, L Damiano, O Witkowski
Biosystems 232, 105008, 2023
The Hunger Games: Embodied agents evolving foraging strategies on the frugal-greedy spectrum
N Aubert-Kato, O Witkowski, T Ikegami
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 357-364, 2015
Ethics of Artificial Life: The moral status of life as it could be
O Witkowski, E Schwitzgebel
ALIFE 2022: The 2022 conference on artificial life, 2022
Emotion-Driven Interactive Storytelling: Let Me Tell You How to Feel
OD Rico Garcia, J Fernandez Fernandez, RA Becerra Saldana, ...
International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art …, 2022
Robots: The century past and the century ahead, an Introduction to the 2021 ALIFE conference
J Čejková
ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life, 2021
Population-based evolution optimizes a meta-learning objective
K Frans, O Witkowski
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.06435, 2021
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Articles 1–20