Manuel Ramos Cabrer
Manuel Ramos Cabrer
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Cited by
A flexible semantic inference methodology to reason about user preferences in knowledge-based recommender systems
Y Blanco-Fernández, JJ Pazos-Arias, A Gil-Solla, M Ramos-Cabrer, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 21 (4), 305-320, 2008
Enhancing residential gateways: OSGi service composition
RPD Redondo, AF Vilas, MR Cabrer, JJP Arias, MR Lopez
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 53 (1), 87-95, 2007
Enhancing residential gateways: OSGi service composition
RP Diaz Redondo, AF Vilas, MR Cabrer, JJ Pazos Arias, MR Lopez
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 53 (1), 87-95, 2007
AVATAR: An improved solution for personalized TV based on semantic inference
YB Fernández, JJP Arias, ML Nores, AG Solla, MR Cabrer
IEEE transactions on Consumer Electronics 52 (1), 223-231, 2006
Providing entertainment by content-based filtering and semantic reasoning in intelligent recommender systems
Y Blanco-Fernandez, JJ Pazos-Arias, A Gil-Solla, M Ramos-Cabrer, ...
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 54 (2), 727-735, 2008
Exploring synergies between content-based filtering and spreading activation techniques in knowledge-based recommender systems
Y Blanco-Fernández, M López-Nores, A Gil-Solla, M Ramos-Cabrer, ...
Information Sciences 181 (21), 4823-4846, 2011
Controlling the smart home from TV
MR Cabrer, RPD Redondo, AF Vilas, JJP Arias, JG Duque
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 52 (2), 421-429, 2006
Exploiting synergies between semantic reasoning and personalization strategies in intelligent recommender systems: A case study
Y Blanco-Fernández, JJ Pazos-Arias, A Gil-Solla, M Ramos-Cabrer, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 81 (12), 2371-2385, 2008
REENACT: A step forward in immersive learning about Human History by augmented reality, role playing and social networking
Y Blanco-Fernández, M López-Nores, JJ Pazos-Arias, A Gil-Solla, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (10), 4811-4828, 2014
Enhancing residential gateways: a semantic OSGi platform
RPD Redondo, AF Vilas, MR Cabrer, JJP Arias, JG Duque, AG Solla
IEEE Intelligent Systems 23 (1), 32-40, 2008
MiSPOT: dynamic product placement for digital TV through MPEG-4 processing and semantic reasoning
M López-Nores, JJ Pazos-Arias, J García-Duque, Y Blanco-Fernández, ...
Knowledge and Information Systems 22, 101-128, 2010
An extension to the ADL SCORM standard to support adaptivity: The t-learning case-study
M Rey-López, RP Díaz-Redondo, A Fernández-Vilas, JJ Pazos-Arias, ...
Computer Standards & Interfaces 31 (2), 309-318, 2009
Provision of distance learning services over Interactive Digital TV with MHP
JJ Pazos-Arias, M López-Nores, J García-Duque, RP Díaz-Redondo, ...
Computers & Education 50 (3), 927-949, 2008
AVATAR: An advanced multi-agent recommender system of personalized TV contents by semantic reasoning
Y Blanco-Fernández, JJ Pazos-Arias, A Gil-Solla, M Ramos-Cabrer, ...
Web Information Systems–WISE 2004: 5th International Conference on Web …, 2004
A semantic approach to improve neighborhood formation in collaborative recommender systems
MI Martín-Vicente, A Gil-Solla, M Ramos-Cabrer, JJ Pazos-Arias, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (17), 7776-7788, 2014
T-MAESTRO and its authoring tool: using adaptation to integrate entertainment into personalized t-learning
M Rey-López, RP Díaz-Redondo, A Fernández-Vilas, JJ Pazos-Arias, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 40 (3), 409-451, 2008
Exploiting digital TV users' preferences in a tourism recommender system based on semantic reasoning
Y Blanco-Fernandez, M Lopez-Nores, JJ Pazos-Arias, A Gil-Solla, ...
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 56 (2), 904-912, 2010
Optimizing reactive routing over virtual nodes in VANETs
JF Bravo-Torres, M López-Nores, Y Blanco-Fernández, JJ Pazos-Arias, ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (4), 2274-2294, 2015
Semantic inference of user’s reputation and expertise to improve collaborative recommendations
MI Martín-Vicente, A Gil-Solla, M Ramos-Cabrer, Y Blanco-Fernández, ...
expert systems with applications 39 (9), 8248-8258, 2012
AVATAR: enhancing the personalized television by semantic inference
YB Fernandez, JJP Arias, AG Solla, MR Cabrer, ML Nores, JG Duque, ...
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 21 …, 2007
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Articles 1–20