Himanshu Verma
Cited by
Cited by
Watching MOOCs together: investigating co-located MOOC study groups
N Li, H Verma, A Skevi, G Zufferey, J Blom, P Dillenbourg
Distance Education 35 (2), 217-233, 2014
Studying space use: bringing HCI tools to architectural projects
H Verma, HS Alavi, D Lalanne
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
Looking AT versus looking THROUGH: A dual eye-tracking study in MOOC context
K Sharma, D Caballero, H Verma, P Jermann, P Dillenbourg
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.[ISLS]., 2015
The hide and seek of workspace: Towards human-centric sustainable architecture
HS Alavi, H Verma, J Mlynar, D Lalanne
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
MOOCs are more social than you believe
J Blom, H Verma, N Li, A Skevi, P Dillenbourg
eLearning Papers, 2013
Comfort: A coordinate of user experience in interactive built environments
HS Alavi, H Verma, M Papinutto, D Lalanne
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2017: 16th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2017
Empowering Local Communities Using Artificial Intelligence
YC Hsu, THK Huang, H Verma, A Mauri, I Nourbakhsh, A Bozzon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.02007, 2022
Pedestrians and visual signs of intent: towards expressive autonomous passenger shuttles
H Verma, G Pythoud, G Eden, D Lalanne, F Evéquoz
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2019
Partitioning open-plan workspaces via augmented reality
H Lee, S Je, R Kim, H Verma, H Alavi, A Bianchi
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 1-16, 2022
Paper interfaces for learning geometry
Q Bonnard, H Verma, F Kaplan, P Dillenbourg
21st Century Learning for 21st Century Skills: 7th European Conference of …, 2012
Towards a sociological conception of artificial intelligence
J Mlynář, HS Alavi, H Verma, L Cantoni
International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, 130-139, 2018
AI beyond Deus Ex Machina – Reimagining Intelligence in Future Cities with Urban Experts
J Mlynar, F Bahrami, A Ourednik, N Mutzner, H Verma, H Alavi
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2022
MOOC learning in spontaneous study groups: Does synchronously watching videos make a difference?
N Li, H Verma, A Skevi, G Zufferey, P Dillenbourg
Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2014, 88-94, 2014
Conformity assessment under the EU AI act general approach
E Thelisson, H Verma
AI and Ethics, 2024
Rethinking the Role of AI with Physicians in Oncology: Revealing Perspectives from Clinical and Research Workflows
H Verma, J Mlynar, R Schaer, J Reichenbach, M Jreige, J Prior, ...
In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023
Challenging Joint Visual Attention as a Proxy for Collaborative Performance
K Sharma, JK Olsen, H Verma, D Caballero, P Jermann
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 91-98, 2021
From artifacts to architecture
HS Alavi, E Churchill, D Kirk, H Bier, H Verma, D Lalanne, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing …, 2018
“Our inherent desire for control”: a case study of automation's impact on the perception of comfort
A Brambilla, H Alavi, H Verma, D Lalanne, T Jusselme, M Andersen
Energy Procedia 122, 925-930, 2017
Human-Computer Interaction and the Future of Work
C Collective, N Karusala, NAN Ch, D Tosca, AA Ansah, E Brulé, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2022
Shaping learners’ attention in massive open online courses
K Sharma, D Caballero, H Verma, P Jermann, P Dillenbourg
Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire 12 (1-2), 52-61, 2015
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Articles 1–20