Kyle Rowe
Kyle Rowe
Graduate Student, University of Florida
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Cited by
Writing in the granular gel medium
T Bhattacharjee, SM Zehnder, KG Rowe, S Jain, RM Nixon, WG Sawyer, ...
Science advances 1 (8), e1500655, 2015
In situ thermal measurements of sliding contacts
KG Rowe, AI Bennett, BA Krick, WG Sawyer
Tribology International 62, 208-214, 2013
Wear debris mobility, aligned surface roughness, and the low wear behavior of filled polytetrafluoroethylene
KL Harris, JF Curry, AA Pitenis, KG Rowe, MA Sidebottom, WG Sawyer, ...
Tribology Letters 60 (1), 1-8, 2015
Print surface thermal modeling and layer time control for large-scale additive manufacturing
F Wang, S Fathizadan, F Ju, K Rowe, N Hofmann
IEEE Transactions on automation science and engineering 18 (1), 244-254, 2020
Real area of contact in a soft transparent interface by particle exclusion microscopy
KD Schulze, AI Bennett, S Marshall, KG Rowe, AC Dunn
Journal of Tribology 138 (4), 041404, 2016
High speed 3D printing system for wound and tissue replacement
TE Angelini, WG Sawyer, KG Rowe, T Bhattacharjee, ...
US Patent 11,007,705, 2021
Stem cell therapy restores viscoelastic properties of myocardium in rat model of hypertension
A Rubiano, Y Qi, D Guzzo, A Rathinasabapathy, K Rowe, C Pepine, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 59, 71-77, 2016
A novel real-time thermal analysis and layer time control framework for large-scale additive manufacturing
S Fathizadan, F Ju, K Rowe, A Fiechter, N Hofmann
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 143 (1), 011009, 2021
Real-time control for large scale additive manufacturing using thermal images
F Wang, F Ju, K Rowe, N Hofmann
2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and …, 2019
Materials and process development for direct digital manufacturing of vehicles
C Hill, K Rowe, R Bedsole, J Earle, V Kunc
SAMPE Long Beach 2016 Conference and Exhibition, 2016
Evolution in surfaces: Interaction of topography with contact pressure during wear of composites including dinosaur dentition
KG Rowe, GM Erickson, WG Sawyer, BA Krick
Tribology Letters 54, 249-255, 2014
Big area additive manufacturing (BAAM) materials development and reinforcement with advanced composites
C Hill, R Bedsole, K Rowe, C Duty, C Ajinjeru, V Kunc, D Riha
Inst. for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI), Knoxville …, 2018
Writing in the granular gel medium. Sci Adv 1: e1500655
T Bhattacharjee, SM Zehnder, KG Rowe, S Jain, RM Nixon, WG Sawyer, ...
Dynamic in situ measurements of frictional heating on an isolated surface protrusion
AI Bennett, KG Rowe, W Gregory Sawyer
Tribology Letters 55, 205-210, 2014
Writing in the granular gel medium, Sci. Adv. 1 (2015) e1500655
T Bhattacharjee, SM Zehnder, KG Rowe, S Jain, RM Nixon, WG Sawyer, ...
Additively manufactured structure and method for making the same
D Riha, A Fiechter, R Bedsole, C Hill, T Novikov, K Rowe
US Patent 11,584,065, 2023
Additive manufactured structure having a plurality of layers in a stacking direction and method for making the same
A Fiechter, K Rowe, CC Hill, R Bedsole, D Riha
US Patent 10,967,576, 2021
Additively manufactured structure and method for making the same
K Rowe, D Riha, C Hill, A Fiechter, R Bedsole, B Hughes
US Patent 11,813,790, 2023
Method and apparatus for additive manufacturing
D Riha, A Fiechter, R Bedsole, C Hill, T Novikov, K Rowe
US Patent 11,745,423, 2023
L’Escargot rapide: Soft contacts at high speeds
KD Schulze, AI Bennett, KG Rowe, W Gregory Sawyer
Tribology Letters 55, 65-68, 2014
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Articles 1–20